Judy Moody Saves The World!
分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 中級章節書 | 幸佳慧
Judy Moody Saves The World!
M 570L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 9 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 10,649 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.6 |
F&p/guided reading level | M |
Lexile | 570L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Candlewick Press |
出版日期 | January 2010 |
When Judy Moody gets serious about protecting the environment, her little brother Stink thinks she is overdoing it, but she manages to inspire her third-grade class to undertake an award-winning, environment-saving project.

Judy Moody Goes to College
It's her funniest adventure yet! A few sessions with a college-age math tutor turn Judy into a jargon-spouting polygon princess. Crucial!Judy Moody is in a mood. Not a good mood. And definitely NOT a math mood. The substitute teacher in Class 3T thinks Judy's math skills need improving. So Judy has to start meeting with a math tutor. Does this mean flash cards? Does this mean baby games? Does this mean school on weekends? But when Judy meets her tutor a sick-awesome college student with an uber-funky sense of style and gets a glimpse of college life, Judy's bad math-i-tude turns into a radical glad-i-tude. Pretty soon, Judy's not only acing her math class; she's owning it. Time to say good-bye to Judy Moody, old skool third-grader, and say hello to Miss College! Small-tall upside-down backward non-fat capp with extra whip, anyone?

Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
A brand-new friend and a big class project put Judy in an international mood in this comical new adventure. Judy Moody cannot believe her ears. There at the lunch table, a girl called Amy Namey is interviewing Judy's best friends, Rocky and Frank. Even worse, Amy is dressed like Nellie Bly, daredevil woman reporter, much like Judy's emulation of a certain woman doctor. Is this clipboard-carrying girl destined to be Judy's new best enemy? Or new best friend? Judy Moody finds some unexpected potholes on the path to friendship as Class 3T takes a whirlwind tour of the globe, investigating everything from tooth-brushing sticks in Yemen to an Italian "spider dance" along the way. Fans will cheer as Judy finally masters the challenge of making new friends and keeping the old for sure and absolute positivo!

Judy Moody Declares Independence
When a visit to Boston spurs Judy's interest in Revolutionary heroes and heroines, she's soon on a quest for more independence in this hilarious new episode from Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds. Huzzah!She, Judy Moody, would hereby, this day, make the Judy Moody Declaration of Independence. With alien rights and her own Purse of Happiness and everything.Hear ye! Hear ye! Everyone knows that Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now a visit to Boston has put our famous third grader in a revolutionary mood. When Judy meets an English girl named Tori at the Tea Party ship, she is gobsmacked to learn how many liberties her British friend enjoys her very own phone, private loo, and pounds of allowance. When a day of cheerfully doing her chores doesn't earn Judy Moody more rights, and staging a revolt in the form of a tea-throwing Boston Tub Party has her dad reading the riot act, Judy is forced into temporary retreat. Who would guess that a real-life crisis involving her brother, Stink, would finally give Judy a chance to show her courageous quick thinking and prove her independence, once and for all?

Judy Moody, M.D.
Judy gets a taste of her own medicine in a hilarious new episode sure to tickle your humerus (aka funny bone) and put you in a very Judy Moody mood!She took her own temperature. With the fancy thermometer that beeped. It was not normal. It was not 98.6. Judy's temperature was 188.8! Judy's temperature was 00.0! Judy's temperature was beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. She, Judy Moody, had the temperature of an outer-space alien!Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now, she, Judy Moody, is in a medical mood! It's no secret that Judy wants to be like Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman doctor, when she grows up. So when Class 3T starts to study the Amazing Human Body, Judy can hardly wait to begin her better-than-best-ever third-grade projects: show-and-tell with something way rarer than a scab, a real-live ooey-gooey operation, and a cloning experiment that may create double trouble for Judy and her friends. RARE!

Judy Moody, Girl Detective
Its an honest-to-jeepers mystery! Agent Judy Drewdy sets out to solve the case of the missing puppy when a canine-cop-in-training vanishes into thin air.Judy Moody is in a mood. A sleuthing, Nancy Drew kind of mood. So whats a WBMS (worlds best mystery solver) to do? Go find a mystery, thats what! And she doesnt have to snoop for long: when Mr. Chips, a beloved crime-dog-in-training, goes missing, Judy Drewdy and her chums, agents Dills Pickle (Frank), Spuds Houdini (Rocky), and James Madagascar (Stink) find themselves smack-dab in the middle of a reallife, scare-your-pants-off whodunit. Was Mr. Chips stolen by dirty dognappers? And why are chocolate-chip cookies disappearing all over town? Watch out for red herringsalong with clever references to classic Nancy Drew mysteriesas Eagle Eye Moody and company are hot on the case!

Judy Moody Gets Famous!
Good moods, bad moods, can't-stand-Jessica-Finch moods. Judy Moody is back with her many hilarious moods.Fans of JUDY MOODY already know that Judy has a mood for every occasionand this time Judy is in a jealous mood. Jealous of classmate Jessica Finch, that is, who gets her picture on the front page of the newspaper. When Judy sets off in pursuit of her own fame and happiness, watch out! She's so determined, she just might find it, or she might merely become more INFAMOUS than ever. Her latest adventures are sure to put readers in a very Judy Moody mood!

Judy Moody Predicts The Future
After Judy obtains a mood ring, she tries to convince herself and her third-grade classmates that she can predict the future.

Judy Moody Was in a Mood
Any kid who's ever been in a bad mood will relate to the feisty, funny, ever-changing Judy Moody. (Ages 6-10)To start, Judy Moody doesn't have high hopes for third grade. Her new desk won't have an armadillo sticker with her name on it. Her new classroom will not have a porcupine named Roger. And with her luck, she'll get stuck sitting in the first row, where Mr. Todd will notice every time she tries to pass a note to her best friend, Rocky. An aspiring doctor, Judy does have a little brother who comes in handy for practicing medicine, a cool new pet, and a huge Band-Aid collection. Judy also has an abundance of individuality and attitude, and when Mr. Todd assigns a very special class project, she really gets a chance to express herself! Megan McDonald's spirited text and Peter Reynolds's wry illustrations combine in a feisty, funny first chapter book for every kid who has ever felt a little out of sorts.

Thea Stilton and Dragon's code
這個系列是Geronimo Stilton的妹妹Thea的冒險與偵探解謎故事。Thea到母校Mouseford學院教授新聞課程,並在那裏認識了5個女學生,一起經歷緊張刺激的冒險,解決各式的謎團。 在這一集中,學院的一名學生—Hans Ratson失蹤了,Thea和這5個女孩子開始著手尋找線索以解決這神秘的失蹤案件。她們破解了密碼,發現了一條隱藏的通道,這條通道通往哪裡?會帶他們找到失蹤的Hans Ratson嗎? 特色: *插圖豐富詳細,關鍵字使用不同字體,色彩繽紛。能吸引孩子,並提高對內容的理解。 *在主要故事內容外,提供許多知識性的資訊,置於頁面側邊。 *以放大鏡圖示具體提示了解謎的線索,小讀者可以一起思考、解謎或找出插圖中的線索,因此稍微有點遊戲書的味道,增加了不少閱讀的樂趣。

Who Was Albert Einstein?
Black-and-white illustrations on every spread and a lower reading level than other biographies in this age group makes this a highly accessible biography for upper elementary students.

Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery
What wrongdoer is any match for Cam Jansen, the girl with the amazing photographic memory? Jennifer "Cam" (short for camera) Jansen and her friend Eric use her remarkable gift to track down clues and solve thrilling and puzzling mysteries.

April Fools’ Mr Todd!
It's April Fools' Day - and Judy's birthday - and Mr. Todd has a trick or two of his own planned in the latest Judy Moody tale for newly independent readers. April Fools' Day just happens to be one of Judy Moody's favorite days of the year. And this year she's got one thing on her mind: the perfect prank she's going to play on Mr. Todd, thanks to an awesome present from her brother, Stink. Gotcha, Mr. Todd! But in all the excitement over spaghetti trees, April fish, and fools' errands, Judy worries that something else will be forgotten by Mr. Todd and Class 3T altogether: April 1 also happens to be Judy's birthday! Gulp! Will her friends remember in time, or will Judy be the fool this year? And just what might Mr. Todd have up his sleeve?

Wild Winter Creatures!
The Wild Kratts take off to investigate how different animals survive in the cold in this leveled reader featuring shiny stickers! PBSs successful animated show Wild Kratts joins the adventures of zoologists Chris and Martin Kratt as they travel to animal habitats around the globe. Along the way, they encounter incredible creatures while combining science education with fun. Boys and girls 4 to 6 will love learning to read as the Kratts investigate the different ways in which certain creatures live and survive in cold climatesin this Step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader. Bonus stickers add to the fun!Step 2 Readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

Rocks And Minerals
Developed by National Geographic in consultation with literacy education experts, a series of high-interest, exciting and easy-to-read books contain simple text, National Geographic photography and kid-friendly design, as well as loads of information about subjects that really matter to kids.

Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover
Henry and his dog Mudge are invited to a sleepover in Patrick's attic, where they watch monster movies, eat pizza, and enjoy a contest to determine whose dog is the best popcorn catcher.

Sabertooths And The Ice Age
This nonfiction companion to Sunset Of The Sabertooth explores the secrets of the Ice Age, including information about the people and animals that lived at that time.

Ms. Leakey Is Freaky!
Ella Mentry School hires a health teacher who tries to force the students to eat healthy foods and exercise, whether they want to or not.

Zack’s alligator
When Zack soaks his new alligator keychain in water, it grows into a full-sized and fun-loving alligator.

A Little Shopping
Rosie, Lily, and Tess, three cousins who are living together with their aunt, decide to make a miniature flower shop just like Aunt Lucy's real shop, and give it to her as a gift.

Class Trip to the Cave of Doom
The Dark Forest doesn't seem like the best place for a class trip. But that's where Seetha the dragon hid her gold, so Wiglaf and the other kids from D.S.A. have to go--even if it means entering the Cave of Doom!