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公告:因應農曆春節連假以及郵局國內郵件截郵日期,2024/1/31(三) ~ 2024/2/14(三)的租借單將於 2024/2/15 之後陸續寄出。若造成不便還請見諒。GrowReader 祝福大家新年快樂!
Thumb 0062075241
The Berenstain Bears at the Aquarium
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F/250L Drop It, Rocket
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I/460L Stanley
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240L Silly Milly
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A Whale Of A Tale
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F/170L Biscuit Wants to Play
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Biscuit in the Garden
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O/530L Andrew Lost with the Bats
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510L Ms. Beard Is Weird!
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K/480L Nate The Great And The Lost List
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Ducks Don't Get Wet
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970L Dolphin Talk: Whistles, Clicks, And Clapping Jaws
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Q/860L Duke Kahanamoku
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O/530L Surprise Island
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N/590L Tell a Lie and Your Butt Will Grow
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820L Basketball Disasters
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O/540L The Christmas Toy Factory
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O/700L Who Is Jane Goodall?
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School's Out...Forever!
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V/940L Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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T/720L The Time Garden
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Mr. Rush