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Den of Wolves

分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 初級章節書 | 奇幻 | 新進館藏

Den of Wolves


適讀年齡 -
適合年級 -
Grade level equivalent
AR level
F&p/guided reading level
DRA level
出版社 Simon & Schuster
出版日期 June 2020

Dire wolves are among the rarest creatures in the Kingdom of Wrenly. They travel under the cloak of darkness, sleep during the day, and hunt in the deepest silence. The only proof that these beasts exist is what they leave behind: giant paw prints and haunting howls that echo on the wind. So, when Prince Lucas and Sir Clara find a lost dire wolf pup alone in the woods, they must use all of their skills to find the hidden den of wolves.
