To the Top! ─ Climbing the World's Highest Mountain
分級讀本/橋梁書 | Step into Reading | 傳記
To the Top! ─ Climbing the World's Highest Mountain
N 690L
適讀年齡 | 7 - 9 |
適合年級 | 3 - 5 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | 3.0 |
AR level | 4.2 |
F&p/guided reading level | N |
Lexile | 690L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Penguin Random House |
出版日期 | March 1993 |
Describes how Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norkay became the first human beings to reach the top of the world by climbing Mount Everest.

The Stinky Giant
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Tis the season to be jolly--and holey cheese was I trying! But on my way to New York City to meet my family for the holidays, my luggage got switched with another mouse's. Now I had to scurry all over the Big Apple trying to track down that mouse.

Tiger Is A Scaredy Cat
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Mr. Tony Is Full of Baloney!
A.J.'s mom just got a job, so he has to go to ASKK--After School Kids' Kare. Mr. Tony, the guy who runs the ASKK program, is crazy. Will A. J. and the gang be able to tunnel out of the child-care room and escape to freedom?

Sunflower Life Cycle
Book by Jeff Bauer

Meet the seafaring adventurers, storytellers, and famous figures of Norse history in this new Leveled Reader, perfect for independent readers and kids who love learning about ancient cultures. Learn how the Vikings lived, worked, and played (...and pillaged!). Explore the rich history, culture, mythology and newest findings of the ever interesting Viking world. National Geographic Readers' expert-vetted text, along with brilliant images and a fun approach to reading have proved to be a winning formula with kids, parents and educators. Level 2 text provides accessible, yet wide-ranging, information for kids ready to read on their own. Each reader includes text written by an experienced, skilled children's books author, a photo glossary, and interactive features in which kids get to reinforce what they've learned in the book.

Mighty Mount Kilimanjaro
Outrageous daredevil Bruce Hyena is back, and he's convinced Geronimo to accompany him on another totally extreme adventure-a climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa! Will Geronimo discover the secret to making it to the summit?

The Empty Envelope
Dink keeps getting envelopes in the mail addressed to "D. Duncan." But the letters inside all start with "Dear Doris" and don't make any sense! Josh and Ruth Rose think someone's playing a trick on Dink.

The Sly Spy
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Desiree的生日快到了,她喜歡羽毛,因此Duncan、Mortimer、Sheena合買了一隻金絲雀要送給Desiree,並且秘密的將金絲雀藏起來,要在Desiree的生日宴會給她一個驚喜。可是Desiree迫不及待想知道她的禮物是什麼,因為跑到朋友家查看。巧遇Olivia的Sheena便將秘密禮物託給Olivia保管。 Olivia本來以為保管禮物只是個無聊的案件,沒想到Desiree找了一位剛當間諜的男孩E.J.來幫她查出她的生日禮物到底是什麼。 E.J.就要知道禮物是什麼了!Olivia是怎麼混淆E.J.,成功守住秘密的呢? 此系列雖不照順序閱讀並不影響劇情理解,但本集出現的人物在前兩集有出現,先讀過前面的故事,清楚了人物的性格,閱讀時能更添樂趣跟理解角色的行為。

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