The Smurf Apprentice
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 漫畫&圖像小說
The Smurf Apprentice
適讀年齡 | 3 - 7 |
適合年級 | P - 2 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Simon Spotlight |
出版日期 | May 2013 |
Clumsy Smurfs not quite himself after he mixes up the wrong potion!In this 8x8 storybook based on the classic Smurfs, Clumsy Smurf is tired of not being allowed to help around Smurf Village because hes so clumsy. He thinks that if he learns how to make magic potions like Papa Smurf, the other Smurfs might respect him more. Papa wont let Clumsy be his apprentice, so Clumsy sneaks into the lab. When the potion Clumsy creates turns him into a green monster, his friends are afraid of himand Clumsy realizes that being himself isnt so bad. In fact, its pretty smurfy!蝛?Peyo - 2013 - Licensed through Lafig Belgium

The Smurfs #15: The Smurflings
When Natural Smurf, Slouchy Smurf, and Snappy Smurf arrive at The Smurfs village as The Smurflings, all their newfangled ideas start to turn things upside down! Whether it's back-talking Grouchy Smurf, outsmarting Jokey Smurf, wearing their own clothes, or making up their own music, it looks like nothing will ever be the same. But the biggest change is yet to come -- and it looks like Gargamel is behind it!

The Smurfs #13: The Smurf Soup
When Gargamel meets a giant with an insatiable appetite, he comes up with a plan to use the giant to destroy the Smurfs: tell him that Smurfs make the most delicious soup in the world! Papa Smurf catches wind of the plot, and begins to create a potion that will enable them to turn the giant, nicknamed "Bigmouth," against Gargamel. But when Bigmouth stumbles into the Smurfs village, the potion isn't ready, and the Smurfs must distract the hungry giant, or meet an untimely end inside its belly.

The Smurfs #14: The Baby Smurf
Baby Smurf arrives in the village! But for how long?On a quiet night in their village, a stork visits the Smurfs and leaves a Baby Smurf on one of their doorsteps. But the next day, the stork returns-- the Baby Smurf was delivered by accident and must be returned! As soon as they go to fetch the baby for the stork, they find it's gone! Where did the Baby Smurf go? And will the Smurfs really have to return it?

Gargamel and the Smurfs
Four Smurftastic stories all featuring the arch-enemy of the Smurfs, Gargamel! In "The Smurfnapper," which is also the first appearance of Gargamel, a Smurf is kidnapped by the evil wizard, who wants to use him as an ingredient in a potion. It's up to Papa Smurf and the rest of the smurfs to break into his lab and save their friend without ending up as a treat for Gargamel's cat Azrael. Also featuring "The Smurf Not Like the Others" and "The Smurfs and the Little Ghost."

The Astrosmurf
When one of the Smurfs wants to travel to outer space, he tries to build a rocket ship, but it fails to get off the ground and he grows depressed. Papa Smurf and the other Smurfs make a plan in order to cheer him up: putting him to sleep and waking him up in an elaborately staged "planet" filled by other Smurfs pretending to be aliens. Hilarity ensues when their elaborate hoax proves to be more trouble to keep up than it's worth!

The Smurf Olympics
Hefty Smurf loves to play sports, but he can't get the other Smurfs to play with him. His solution create the "Smurf Olympics"! The Smurfs divide themselves into two teams, all competing for the grand prize: a kiss from the Smurfette. But when one Smurf is turned down by both teams, he decides to compete on his own, throwing the entire games into chaos. Can one Smurf take on the entire Smurf Village? And can the two Smurf teams stop cheating long enough for the games to take place?
The Return of the Smurfette
Virtually all of the Smurfs are smitten with the Smurfette, which causes their zany methods of trying to win her affections to keep growing in outrageousness. From building statues to baking cakes and even dressing up like the Smurfette in order to better understand her, the Smurfs are in a frenzy competing for the love of the Smurfette. Will this madness ever die down?Now specially priced at $3.99!

Smurf versus Smurf
The Smurfs always seem to get into trouble when Papa Smurf is not around. While Papa Smurf works in his laboratory, two Smurfs begin arguing about the proper use of the word "smurf." Smurfs that live in the northern part of the village use it as a verb (as in "bottle smurfer"), while the southerners use it as a noun (as in "smurf opener"). Without Papa Smurf around to calm things down, the argument quickly escalates until the northern and southern smurfs divide themselves along the village lines! With the southern Smurfs set to perform their play "Little Smurf Riding Hood" for the northern Smurfs, it looks like the language disagreement is going to get worse before it gets better!

Save The White Whale!
While on vacation at the Bay of Whales with Petunia Pretty Paws, Geronimo Stilton comes across a great white whale that needs his help.

Hour Of The Olympics (MTH #16)
Jack and Annie are off to ancient Greece, where they race against time to witness the very first Olympic Games!

Animals In Winter
Describes the many different ways animals cope with winter, including migration, hibernation, and food storage.

The Green Toenails Gang
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Olivia最好的朋友Taffy搬家了,她想參加新學校裡的一個秘密團體,卻被其中的成員拒絕。Olivia要如何替Taffy解開隱藏的秘密?又要如何幫助Taffy加入這個團體呢?

Ducks Don't Get Wet
Describes the behavior of different kinds of ducks and, in particular, discusses how all ducks use preening to keep their feathers dry.

Nate The Great And The Phony Clue
Nate果然就是名符其實的偵探啊!即使是一張會被當成垃圾丟掉的一截紙片出現在家門前,他還是慎重的開始尋找這紙片出現在家門前的原因。 Nate從Rosamond的貓開始問案,並發現是一張邀請函,但還缺了署名的那一角。Nate後來拼出完整的一張紙後發現根本沒有署名,因此推測這是對他的一項測試,測試他到底是不是一位真正厲害的偵探! Nate有沒有成功證明自己是真有本事的偵探呢?有些線索就在插圖中,要仔細看囉! ------ Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.

Digging Up Dinosaurs
Briefly introduces various types of dinosaurs whose skeletons and reconstructions are seen in museums and explains how scientists uncover, preserve, and study fossilized dinosaur bones.

Judy Moody, Girl Detective
Its an honest-to-jeepers mystery! Agent Judy Drewdy sets out to solve the case of the missing puppy when a canine-cop-in-training vanishes into thin air.Judy Moody is in a mood. A sleuthing, Nancy Drew kind of mood. So whats a WBMS (worlds best mystery solver) to do? Go find a mystery, thats what! And she doesnt have to snoop for long: when Mr. Chips, a beloved crime-dog-in-training, goes missing, Judy Drewdy and her chums, agents Dills Pickle (Frank), Spuds Houdini (Rocky), and James Madagascar (Stink) find themselves smack-dab in the middle of a reallife, scare-your-pants-off whodunit. Was Mr. Chips stolen by dirty dognappers? And why are chocolate-chip cookies disappearing all over town? Watch out for red herringsalong with clever references to classic Nancy Drew mysteriesas Eagle Eye Moody and company are hot on the case!

Pompeii...Buried Alive!
A simple retelling of the fateful days in 79 A.D. when Mt. Vesuvius erupted and the people in the ancient town of Pompeii perished.

Mrs. Patty Is Batty!
Even though people say Mrs. Patty, the school secretary, is a witch and her husband is a ghost, A.J. decides to take the risk and trick or treat at their house because they are known to give out the best Halloween candy in town.

Happy Haunting, Amelia Bedelia
Trick or treat! Amelia Bedelia wants to help prepare for the big Halloween party, but how can she follow directions when nothing is as it seems?

Class Trip to the Cave of Doom
The Dark Forest doesn't seem like the best place for a class trip. But that's where Seetha the dragon hid her gold, so Wiglaf and the other kids from D.S.A. have to go--even if it means entering the Cave of Doom!