Mercy Watson Thinks Like A Pig
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書 | 幽默
Mercy Watson Thinks Like A Pig
L 520L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 9 |
適合年級 | 1 - 3 |
字數 | 2,018 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 2.8 |
F&p/guided reading level | L |
Lexile | 520L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Candlewick Press |
出版日期 | February 2011 |
Mercy Watson Princess Disguise
萬聖夜即將到來,Watson夫妻在想該怎麼替Mercy扮裝,最後決定扮成公主。本來不想穿公主服裝的Mercy,聽到會有零食就願意穿上了。到鄰居Lincoln姊妹家,這兩位老奶奶養的貓:華盛頓將軍,和Mercy發生了追逐,Watson夫妻和兩位老奶奶追了過去,結果有兩個小朋友以為是遊行也跟著一起走… *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。
Mercy Watson to the Rescue
Watson夫婦把小豬Mercy看作是自己的孩子,睡前還會為Mercy唱搖籃曲。有天晚上,Mercy因怕黑跑去和Watson夫婦一起睡。結果床竟然陷進地板懸在空中,Mercy肚子餓了想到廚房找吐司,所以跳離了床鋪,Watson先生卻以為Mercy要去找救兵了… *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。
Mercy Watson Something Wonky
Watson先生載了大家去露天戲院看電影,在那裡,Mercy吞下了其他觀眾充滿奶油味的爆米花!當每個人追著她時,Mercy還以為是遊戲呢。最後為什麼大家又回到Watson家吃奶油烤土司呢? *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。
Mercy Watson Goes For A Ride
每個星期六,Watson先生都會開車載Mercy去兜風。在一次兜風時,鄰居老奶奶Baby突然出現在後座上,Watson先生嚇了一大跳,一直想開車的Mercy趁這個時候坐到Watson先生的膝蓋上並控制了方向盤,雖然警察Tomilello要求他們開到路邊停下來,但腳麻了的Watson先生沒辦法踩剎車… *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。
Mercy Watson Fights Crime
Leroy的夢想是成為牛仔,但他現在只是個小偷。事實上,Leroy現在就正在Watson家的廚房行竊,並撞見了醒來的Mercy。Mercy沒有看到烤麵包機,也沒看到土司和奶油,因此又睡著了。睡著了的Mercy擋住了Leroy的去路,Leroy想抬腳跨過Mercy,卻被剛好醒來的Mercy馱了起來。Mercy為了尋找聞到的奶油味跑了起來,Leroy頓時感覺自己就像個西部牛仔! *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。
Tooth Trouble
Freddy finally has something cool for show-and-tell, but he needs to sneak it past his mom and dad, make a deal with his older sister, then sneak it into school in order to show it to the class. In the end, he learns a lesson about honesty.
Hang a Left at Venus
In Central Park, Zack and his dad encounter an alien who has lost his spaceship, which has been towed because it was illegally parked.
Corn Is Maize
Describes the growth-cycle, cultivation, natural history, and worldwide diffusion and uses of corn in its evolved varieties
The Falcon's Feathers
Dink and his pals Josh and Ruth Rose try to solve the mystery of who is stealing baby falcons from their nests.
Hungry, Hungry Sharks
A simple discussion of the kinds of sharks and their behavior
The Mummy With No Name
Geronimo Stilton, is a quiet, mild-mannered mouse, who keeps getting pulled into adventures. Narrated as if the books are autobiographical adventures, this series is Italy's most popular children's series and has been translated into English.
Life in a Coral Reef
Ages: 5 - 9
Junie B. Jones Is A Beauty Shop Guy
After her first trip to a beauty parlor Junie decides she wants to work there, and she practices on her bunny slippers, her dog, and herself with disastrous results.
Wild Sea Creatures: Sharks, Whales and Dolphins! (Wild Kratts)
PBSs successful animated show Wild Kratts joins the adventures of zoologists Chris and Martin Kratt as they travel to animal habitats around the globe. Along the way, they encounter incredible creatures while combining science education and fun. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will dive into this Step 2 Reader with the Kratt brothers as they activate their Creature Power Suits to swim with sharks, whales, and other wild sea creatures! Step 2 Readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
The 39-Story Treehouse
Having expanded their treehouse to an astonishing 39 stories, Andy and Terry describe the invention of their Once-Upon-a-Time machine, which they have designed to write and illustrate their stories for them.
The Amazing Karlovsky is coming to town, and Chester the cat is nervous. Everyone knows that magicians pull rabbits out of hats -- suppose they're vampire rabbits, like Bunnicula? Soon there could be hundreds of vampire bunnies on the loose! Chester springs into action and, with Harold and Howie in tow, is off to save the vegetables of the world -- and to turn the Amazing Karlovsky's performance into something no one will ever forget.
Mercy Watson to the Rescue
Watson夫婦把小豬Mercy看作是自己的孩子,睡前還會為Mercy唱搖籃曲。有天晚上,Mercy因怕黑跑去和Watson夫婦一起睡。結果床竟然陷進地板懸在空中,Mercy肚子餓了想到廚房找吐司,所以跳離了床鋪,Watson先生卻以為Mercy要去找救兵了… *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。