Little Giant - Big Trouble
分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 中級章節書 | 奇幻
Little Giant - Big Trouble
P 470L
適讀年齡 | 7 - 10 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 12,279 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.3 |
F&p/guided reading level | P |
Lexile | 470L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Penguin Random House |
出版日期 | May 2007 |
Wiglaf and his friends are on a mission to rescue Worm, the dragon they have raised from an egg, and are surprised to learn that the captor is not a gang of dragon slayers, but rather a young giantess who wants to keep Worm as her house pet.

Knight for a Day
When Wiglaf learns that he has won "A Day With Sir Lancelot" he can hardly believe it. His friend Erica can't believe it, either! Is she jealous, or is there something fishy about The World's Most Perfect Knight?

Revenge of the Dragon Lady
Is a wizard's spell for courage enough to save Wiglaf when the "Mother of all Dragons" (or at least of 3,684 of them) comes looking for the lad who slayed son number 92?

97 Ways to Train a Dragon
Wiglaf's supposed to be a dragon slayer, but he's more like a dragon babysitter when he finds a baby dragon and decides to keep it!

Help! It's Parents Day at DSA
It's visiting day at Dragon Slayers' Academy and Wiglaf's entire family is coming! Will Wiglaf he able to survive the day with his wacky parents and crude older brothers?
Wheel of Misfortune
Wiglaf, Erica, and Angus are representing DSA in the All-Schools Brain-Power Tournament! But what on Earth are they going to do about their know-it-all captain Bragwort"?

The New Kid at School
When a traveling minstrel foretells that he is to become a hero, Wiglaf sets out to fulfill his destiny: he signs up at the Dragon Slayers' Academy.

A Wedding for Wiglaf?
Rich Princess Belcheena is looking for a husband--one with red hair who has killed at least two dragons and whose name starts with her favorite letter of the alphabet, W. Could Wiglaf be the man, um, boy of her dreams?

Countdown to the Year 1000
It's the year 999 and the end of the world is coming--at least according to a mysterious prophecy. But then Wiglaf meets a strange boy who claims to have come from the Future.

Hail! Hail! Camp Dragononka!
When the gold-hungry headmaster of Dragon Slayers' Academy realizes that he can make money running a summer camp, Camp Dragononka is born, but there is something not quite right about the activities and the setting.

School's Out...Forever!
It's Graduation Day at DSA! Fans have been requesting another DSA book for years. And here it is! While money-hungry headmaster Mordred is busy planning DSA's conversion into a deluxe casino, Wiglaf and his friends are on a mission to find their dragon buddy Worm. Unsuccessful in their quest, the group returns to see the school set up for a surprise graduation. Will Worm reunite with his friends before the doors close? And what comes next for the young knights in training? Find out in the much anticipated finale to McMullan's hilarious fantasy series.

Double Dragon Trouble
A ransom note received at Dragon Slayers' Academy sends Wiglaf and Angus to the rescue of the supposed victims but upon arriving at Keep Away Mountain Cave, they discover that an elaborate prank has put them in danger.

Danger! Wizard at Work
When Wiglaf and his pals from Dragon Slayers' Academy meet up with the wizard Zelnoc, all they ask is for a little magic to help them get through the Dark Forest fast. But unfortunately, Zelnoc's spells always end with an "Oops! Sorry about that!" So, yes, the boys are able to travel much faster now...but that's because they have wings, can fly, and have been turned into dragons! And they become the newest students at Dragon Slackers' Academy, a school that teaches knight-slaying! This funny turnabout in which the kids from DSA suddenly see life from a dragon's point of view makes a wonderful addition to this popular series!

World's Oldest Living Dragon
Wiglaf and his classmates come to appreciate their elders when they learn that only a group of retired knights can save their school from the world's oldest living dragon, Grizzlegore--if they can get back in shape in time.

Sir Lancelot, Where Are You
The evil witch Morgana le Fay has put a terrible curse on Sir Lancelot, and it's up to Wiglaf and his DSA buddies to find and save him.

The Ghost of Sir Herbert Dungeonstone
Wiglaf and his stalwart cohorts Angus and Erica decide to investigate strange noises in the dungeon at DSA and inadvertently free the long-imprisoned ghost of the school founder Sir Herbert Dungeonstone.

Never Trust a Troll!
After a summer at Camp Dragononka, Wiglaf returns to school to find himself tormented by his energetic younger brother Dudwin and a troublesome troll with a sense of humor.
Pig Latin - Not Just for Pigs!
When Mordred announces a three-day weekend for DSA, Wiglaf and his friends (including his Pig Latin speaking pig, Daisy) are off to Erica s castle.

Class Trip to the Cave of Doom
The Dark Forest doesn't seem like the best place for a class trip. But that's where Seetha the dragon hid her gold, so Wiglaf and the other kids from D.S.A. have to go--even if it means entering the Cave of Doom!

Beware! It's Friday the 13th
Upon superstitious headmaster Mordred's orders,the students and new lasses of DSA deck themselves in lucky charms on Friday the thirteenth, but luck may not help when a wicked dragon arrives seeking revenge.

The Magic School Bus Inside The Earth
On a special field trip in the Magic School Bus, Ms. Frizzle's class learns firsthand about different kinds of rocks and the formation of the Earth.

Where Are The Night Animals?
Describes various nocturnal animals--including the opossum, barn owl, coyote, brown bat, and tree frog--and their nighttime activities, and teaches new readers how to look for night animals with a special activities section.

The Fran that Time Forgot
When her embarrassing middle name is revealed at school, mad-scientist Franny K. Stein experiments with time in order to return to the past and give herself a more dignified name.

Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night
Henry, his dog Mudge, and his parents go on a quiet camping trip to Big Bear Lake, enjoying the clean smell of trees and wonderful green dreams.

Dolphin Talk: Whistles, Clicks, And Clapping Jaws
Describes how dolphins communicate with each other in squeaks, whistles, and pops. A Level 2 Let's-Read-And-Find-Out Science book.

Smurf versus Smurf
The Smurfs always seem to get into trouble when Papa Smurf is not around. While Papa Smurf works in his laboratory, two Smurfs begin arguing about the proper use of the word "smurf." Smurfs that live in the northern part of the village use it as a verb (as in "bottle smurfer"), while the southerners use it as a noun (as in "smurf opener"). Without Papa Smurf around to calm things down, the argument quickly escalates until the northern and southern smurfs divide themselves along the village lines! With the southern Smurfs set to perform their play "Little Smurf Riding Hood" for the northern Smurfs, it looks like the language disagreement is going to get worse before it gets better!

Greenish Eggs and Dinosaurs
When Zack bought a dinosaur egg at the flea market, he was given one warning: DO NOT put it in the microwave! I'll bet you can guess what happened next...

Henry and Mudge and the Tumbling Trip
Henry, his parents, and his dog Mudge take a vacation out West, where they enjoy tumbleweeds, desert animals, souvenirs, and the wide open spaces.

Sid the Science Kid: A Cavity Is a Hole in Your Tooth
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out About TeethHave you ever wondered what would happen if you never brushed your teeth? Why do you need your teeth to be strong and hard? Read and find out all about teeth with Sid the Science Kid!

Three friends, Sam, Joe, and Fred travel through time having action-packed, outlandish adventures. The snappy dialogue and classic "boy" humor in this series of chapter books will engage the most reluctant readers.

Arthur’s loose tooth
Arthur the chimp is a little worried about losing his loose tooth, until his sister and their babysitter show him the real meaning of bravery.

Phantom Of The Subway
When he hears reports of a ghost haunting New Mouse City's subway tunnels, Geronimo sets out to investigate the story.