Tom Gates: Everything’s Amazing (Sort Of)
Read to Learn 階段 | 幽默 | 中級章節書
Tom Gates: Everything’s Amazing (Sort Of)
S 620L
適讀年齡 | 8 - 12 |
適合年級 | 4 - 7 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 4.1 |
F&p/guided reading level | S |
Lexile | 620L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Candlewick Press |
出版日期 | September 2016 |
Middle-school comedian, homework dodger, rock-star wannabe, master doodler-Tom Gates is back with two more episodes full of visual humor and kid appeal. Things are looking up for Tom Gates. The school dance is coming up, and his birthday, too! What could possibly put him in a bad mood? Well, the words math lesson, for one thing. And that annoying twit Marcus Meldrew at school. And Granny Mavis threatening to bake Tom's birthday cake (carrots!). And the fact that nobody seems to be noticing the long list of birthday presents Tom has prominently displayed. Worst of all, can it be true that Tom's dad has volunteered to deejay the school dance wearing the wacky costume from his new job?

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates
Irritating his teachers with his lack of focus and creative excuses, Tom Gates spends his unmonitored times drawing pictures and writing down observations about everything from his grumpy sister and annoying classmate to an unsatisfying camping trip and his pursuit of concert tickets for his favorite band.

Tom Gates: Excellent Excuses (and Other Good Stuff)
A two-week break from school enables middle school comedian, homework dodger, rock-star wannabe and master doodler Tom Gates to plot new ways to annoy his big sister. By the award-winning creator of The Brilliant World of Tom Gates.

Cam Jansen and the Wedding Cake Mystery
When Cam and her father go to a talent show at the local senior center, Cam's help is needed to find out who stole a wedding cake from the delivery truck.

The Great Houdini
Harry Houdini was a great escape artist, but perhaps his greatest trick was becoming the famous magician that we have come to know. As a child, Houdini worked hard--and even quit school--to help support his family. But his dream always was to become a great magician and performer. He practiced day and night, thinking up new tricks and more and more dangerous stunts. His intense ambition paid off, and soon Harry Houdini became known worldwide!This kid-appealing Step 3 traces Houdini's life from his poor beginnings to his eventual success as the most famous mystical magician and escape artist of all time.

Pulling Back the Curtain on Magic! (Science of Fun Stuff)
Learn the science behind amazing magic tricks in this fact-tastic nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a series about the science of fun stuff!Did you know that every time a magician uses sleight of hand, he is secretly tracking your eye movements at the same time? How does a magician make a dove appear out of thin air? Amaze your friends with the secrets you learn in this fun, fact-filled Level 3 Ready-to-Read! A special section at the back of the book includes Common Corevetted extras on subjects like geography and history, and theres even a fun quiz so readers can test themselves to see what theyve learned!

Thea Stilton and Mountain of Fire
The Thea Sisters go to Australia to solve a mystery. A flock of sheep at Nicky's family's ranch is losing all its wool! Maybe the cure lies in an Aboriginal medicine containing a strange root. The mouselings set off on a journey to find out.

It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse
Geronimo Stilton, editor of "The Rodent's Gazette," hates Halloween, but Thea has decided to publish a book about the spooky holiday, and his nephew's excitement leaves Geronimo no choice but to participate.

Geronimo And The Gold Medal Mystery
Geronimo Stilton is not a sportsmouse. He prefers relaxing in an armchair. However, with the Olympics coming up, sports are all anyone in New Mouse City can talk about. Too bad for Geronimo!

The Tree Doctor
When Sally and Nick's maple tree won't grow, the Cat in the Hat knows who to call--Dr. Twiggles--who suggests they inspect its roots. A trip underground in the Thinga-ma-jigger is undertaken, and sure enough, the maple tree needs water (which Things One and Two procure in ridiculous overabundance) and sun (which the Cat suppliments with a Brighta-ma-lighter). But as for getting syrup from the young sapling?

Beware! It's Friday the 13th
Upon superstitious headmaster Mordred's orders,the students and new lasses of DSA deck themselves in lucky charms on Friday the thirteenth, but luck may not help when a wicked dragon arrives seeking revenge.

Viking Ships At Sunrise (MTH #15)
Jack and Annie must race against time to find an ancient library before it's buried in ash, take on a book burning emperor, escape a Viking invasion, and witness the first Olympics in ancient Greece.

Mr. Worry
Mr. Worry worries about everything. He even worries about worrying! The helpful wizard of Mr. Men Land wants to relieve him of his worries, but is there any way to make sure Mr. Worry won't worry?

Jack and Annie explain about all the different types of dinosaurs.

Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch
Mudge looks forward to the Mother's Day surprise that Henry and his father cook up for Henry's mother.