Mouse Makes Words
初學閱讀階段 | Step into Reading
Mouse Makes Words
H 310L
適讀年齡 | 4 - 6 |
適合年級 | P - 1 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | 1.0 |
AR level | |
F&p/guided reading level | H |
Lexile | 310L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Penguin Random House |
出版日期 | January 2002 |
By dropping the first letter of a variety of words and adding a new letter, Mouse makes several rhyming words.

The Little Butterfly
A Step 2 Step into Reading Science Reader about the life cycle of a butterfly! Full-color photographs give emergent readers an up-close look at each stage of the insects life. Originally a read-aloud storybook, The Little Butterfly is now available as an I can read it myself! early reader. Step 2 Readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories, and are for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

The Titanic ─ Lost ... and Found
A simple account of the sinking of the Titanic and the discovery of its remains many years later.

Digger The Dinosaur
恐龍Digger想和朋友Steggo一起玩,但是他必須先整理房間,Steggo也幫忙Digger一起收拾。 這本讀本的亮點是利用相同<span style="color:#EA7066">韻腳</span>的兩個字,像是mess/yes、bones/stones、hats/cats等等,Digger和Steggo因此有了聽錯而收錯東西的情況發生,是學齡前孩子會覺得有趣的小幽默。 除了有押韻的單字,還有重複的句子,而場景又是孩子生活中最熟悉的日常瑣事:收拾自己的東西,角色的互動和回應都很正面,很適合初學閱讀的小小孩。

Takes a look at all types of wheels.

The Tree Doctor
When Sally and Nick's maple tree won't grow, the Cat in the Hat knows who to call--Dr. Twiggles--who suggests they inspect its roots. A trip underground in the Thinga-ma-jigger is undertaken, and sure enough, the maple tree needs water (which Things One and Two procure in ridiculous overabundance) and sun (which the Cat suppliments with a Brighta-ma-lighter). But as for getting syrup from the young sapling?

Space Kid
The perfect way for young children to learn how to identify shapes and learn words, Space Kid is an easy-to-read picture book that will spark your young ones imagination. This humorous story ofa friendly alien boy is a great book to get small children ready for learning to read. Give kids a head start with a Picture Reader. Simple words, rebus pictures, and flash cards make learning to read easy and fun.

Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny
During Lucille's Easter Egg Hunt at her big fancy mansion, Junie B. wreaks hilarious havoc when she gets stuck wearing a dumb bunny suit instead of hunting for eggs. But the day is not a total bust due to an eggstraspecial surprise.

Have No Fear! Halloween Is Here!
This Step 2 deluxe Step into Reading leveled reader features The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!plus over thirty stickers! Its Halloween, and the Cat in the Hat is taking Sally and Nick on a trip to find costumes. But when they encounter a colony of tiny cave bats, they are in for a frightuntil they learn that most bats are harmless and nothing to be afraid of! Based on the PBS Kids Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About Halloween! TV special, coming in 2016, this early reader with over thirty stickers is the perfect way for kids to celebrate the holidayand learn a bit about an iconic Halloween animal! Step 2 Readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.

This Is Biscuit; Biscuit and the Cat; Biscuit and the Hen; Biscuit's Tub Fun
包含四本: This Is Biscuit Biscuit and the Cat (Short a) Biscuit and the Hen (Short e) Biscuit's Tub Fun (Short u) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Silly Milly
Invites the reader to solve the riddle of why Silly Milly likes certain things and dislikes others.

Dancing Dinos
Dinosaurs jump off the pages of a boy's book and into his house, wreaking delightful havoc along the way in this rollicking, rhyming early reader. This imaginative romp with kids' favorite prehistoric creatures is sure to become a favorite book to encourage burgeoning reading skills.Step 1 (Ready to Read) is for children who know the alphabet and are ready to read. Step 1 titles have big type and easy words, rhyme and rhythm, and picture clues.

Go, Go, Cars!
A simple, rhyming Step 1 Reader featuring all kinds of cars!A brother and sister discover all kinds of cars as they travel through their own neighborhood, encounter a parade, visit a car wash, and more! Young vehicle enthusiasts will take pride in cruising through the simple, rhyming text. Bright, bouncy art will help them along the reading journey! Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story.