Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On
初學閱讀階段 | I Can Read!
Fancy Nancy: The Show Must Go On
適讀年齡 | 4 - 8 |
適合年級 | P - 1 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 1.9 |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | 460L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | June 2009 |
Nancy, who likes to use fancy words, is dismayed to be partnered with shy classmate Lionel for the school talent show until she comes up with an act perfectly suited for both of them.

Fancy Nancy: Splendid Speller
Nancy loves spelling, and she prides herself in being really good at it. Young readers will relate to Nancy's dilemma when she finds herself unexpectedly stumped on a spelling test.

Fancy Nancy: Pajama Day
Nancy is all set to wear something special for Pajama Day at school. But when Bree and Clara show up in matching outfits, Nancy feels left out. Will this Pajama Day be as fun as she thought?

Fancy Day In Room 1-A
Hoping to cheer up her classmates after a gloomy week indoors, Nancy plans an elegant dress-up party and helps her teacher, Miss Glass, who arrives late in plain clothes on the big day. By the author of the Nina Ballerina series.

Fancy Nancy And The Delectable Cupcakes
Nancy has been having trouble paying attention in class--but when it's time for the school bake sale, she is all ears. Nancy remembers to follow all of the directions for a delectable batch of cupcakes...except for one very important detail!
Fancy Nancy: At The Museum
Although excited at the prospect of a fancy class trip to the art museum, the bumpy bus ride to get there leaves Nancy feeling anything but fancy.

Fancy Nancy and the Too-Loose Tooth
Nancy really wants to get a special tooth-holder necklace from the school nursebut how can she make sure her loose tooth falls out at school?

Fancy Nancy: The Dazzling Book Report
Nancy's first book report is sure to be dazzling. After all, she is the second-best artist in her class. She is using beads, fringe, and a fancy border. And she is writing about Sacajawea, a true-life heroine. What could go wrong?

Fancy Nancy And The Boy From Paris
There's a new boy in school, and he's from Paris. Nancy cannot believe her luck. But this Parisian may not be as fancy as Nancy expects!

Fancy Nancy: My Family History
When Nancy has to put together a report on her great-grandfather for school, she can't help but embellish. Nancy's exaggeration almost lands her in hot water in this warm family story.

Just My Luck!
Seeing a four-leaf clover at a show-and-share, Fancy Nancy becomes superstitious and goes overboard trying to keep track of everything that is lucky and unlucky before deciding to settle on what she truly believes.

The Best Seat in Second Grade
Sam's favorite thing about second grade is the class pet, a hamster named George Washington, so when the class goes on a field trip to a science museum, Sam cannot resist bringing George along.

Valentine's Day Disaster
When Valentine's Day arrives, Geronimo is excited about celebrating until he opens up his mailbox, finds it empty, and begins to wonder if his friends and family forgot about him.

Pig Latin - Not Just for Pigs!
When Mordred announces a three-day weekend for DSA, Wiglaf and his friends (including his Pig Latin speaking pig, Daisy) are off to Erica s castle.

Henry and Mudge and the Big Sleepover
Henry and his dog Mudge are invited to a sleepover in Patrick's attic, where they watch monster movies, eat pizza, and enjoy a contest to determine whose dog is the best popcorn catcher.

Judy Moody Predicts The Future
After Judy obtains a mood ring, she tries to convince herself and her third-grade classmates that she can predict the future.

Splat the Cat Makes Dad Glad
When Dad's team loses a soccer game, Splat decides to cheer up his dad by entering them in a father-son six-legged race at the Cat School Picnic. The race doesn't go the way Splat hoped, but he still makes his dad very, very glad!

Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!
Ella Mentry School counselor Dr. Brad believes wisecracking A.J. may be a genius and subjects him to some very strange tests to find out for sure.

Stanley, Flat Again!
This sequel to Flat Stanley, a tale about a boy who was flattened by a fallen bulletin board, tells of his latest wild and wacky adventures as a two-dimensional child living in a three-dimensional world.

Tooth Fairy's Night
Spend a night on the job with the Tooth Fairy in this rhyming Step 1 reader! In this Step 1 early reader, a twinkly, sneaker-wearing Tooth Fairy zips around a dreamy neighborhood in a typical night at work. Readers will delight in exploring the details of her tiny world, and in the exciting (yet mild) brushes with danger! Any kid who has lost a tooth, or who just wonders what it would be like to be very small and have the power of flight, will happily dig into this fanciful journey. Step 1 Readers feature big type and easy words for children who know the alphabet and are eager to begin reading. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story.

I Like Fish
This Step 1 reader derives from a poem by the author of Goodnight Moon, children's literature legend Margaret Wise Brown. Its simple vocabulary, rhyme and rhythm, and vivid picture clues make it perfect for emergent readers, introducing them to an inviting underwater world and a successful reading experience! G. Brian Karas has created absolutely gorgeous art vignettes to showcase the incredibly varied fish and the kids who love them.

The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm
The Bear family is visiting Farmer Ben today. Brother and Sister have so many questions about how the farm works, and Farmer Ben has a lot to teach them. They never knew hard work could be so much fun!