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I Can Read!

I Can Read!

1 - 20 筆,共 57
Thumb 006444094x
K/470L Grasshopper On The Road
Thumb 0064441504
K/380L The grandma mix-up
Thumb 0064442020
J/480L The adventures of snail at school
Thumb 0064441865
K/500L Zack’s alligator
Thumb 0064440478
K/240L The case of the scaredy cats
Thumb 0064442624
J/220L Last one in is a rotten egg
Thumb 0064442586
480L Emma’s yucky brother
Thumb 006444001x
K/470L A bargain for Frances
Thumb 006444175x
K/510L Arthur’s camp-out
Thumb 0064442802
K/470L Arthur’s birthday party
Thumb 0064440133
J/440L Mouse Tales
Thumb 0064440311
K/430L Daniel’s duck
Thumb 0064442209
K/430L Buffalo bill and the pony express
Thumb 0064441296
L/530L The Josefina Story Quilt
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J/470L Big Max
By: Kin Platt
Thumb 0064441261
J/290L Aunt Eater loves a mystery
Thumb 0060007362
520L The Best Seat in Second Grade
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K/400L Frog And Toad Are Friends
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J/490L Owl At Home
Thumb 0061430129
490L Flat Stanley at Bat