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在Read to Learn 之前的過渡階段中,目標是能更直覺地將文字轉成聲音,並持續增進理解內容的能力,這時以閱讀簡單、貼近孩子認知且熟悉的故事為主*,才能幫助孩子專注在熟練文字與聲音的對應規則(自然發音)。讓孩子大量廣泛地讀喜歡的、感興趣的,將幫助孩子增進獨立閱讀的能力並順利進展到 Read to Learn 的階段。 *孩子獨立閱讀而言
961 - 980 筆,共 1003
Thumb 0375812776
O/500L Andrew Lost on the Dog
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Mr. Slow
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P/470L Knight for a Day
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J/690L Bats
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710L The Super Chef Contest
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N/860L Who is J.K. Rowling?
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560L Judy Moody Gets Famous!
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I/370L Feeding Time at the Zoo
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M/620L April Fools’ Mr Todd!
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N/460L It's Itchcraft!: SuperSpecial
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M/590L Super Fast, Out of Control!
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N/580L The San Francisco Splash
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N/780L The Fran that Time Forgot