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Scholastic Reader Level 2

Scholastic Reader Level 2

Thumb 0545086035
L/490L The Magic School Bus Weathers the Storm
Thumb 0439684005
K/490L The Magic School Bus Takes a Moonwalk
Thumb 0439569915
L/340L The Magic School Bus Flies from the Nest
Thumb 0545239508
N/500L The Magic School Bus Fixes a Bone
Thumb 0439569885
K/240L The Magic School Bus: The Wild Leaf Ride
Thumb 0439801079
K/460L The Magic School Bus and the Missing Tooth
Thumb 0545167272
L/480L The Magic School Bus and the Butterfly Bunch
Thumb 0545356857
L/410L The Magic School Bus: Inside a Volcano
Thumb 0545034647
L/490L The Magic School Bus and the Shark Adventure
Thumb 0439899362
480L The Magic School Bus Gets Recycled
Thumb 0545167264
L/500L The Magic School Bus Comes to Its Senses
Thumb 0439684013
M/440L The Magic School Bus Arctic Adventure
Thumb 0439684021
L/490L The Magic School Bus Has a Heart
Thumb 0439801087
K/480L The Magic School Bus Rides the Wind
Thumb 0545034655
M/510L The Magic School Bus Fights Germs
By: Kate Egan
Thumb 0545086027
480L The Magic School Bus Blasts Into Space
Thumb 0439569893
K/450L The Magic School Bus Sleeps for the Winter
By: Eva Moore
Thumb 043968403x
J/490L The Magic School Bus Gets Crabby
Thumb 0545035872
L/490L The Magic School Bus Gets Caught in a Web