Biscuit and the Duck; Biscuit and the Kittens; Biscuit and the Frog; Biscuit
Phonics 讀本 | 初學閱讀階段 | I Can Read!
Biscuit and the Duck; Biscuit and the Kittens; Biscuit and the Frog; Biscuit
適讀年齡 | - |
適合年級 | - |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | 2008 |
Biscuit and the Duck (Short u)
Biscuit and the Kittens (Short i)
Biscuit and the Frog (Short o)
Biscuit (Short vowel sounds)
除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Biscuit's Trick; Biscuit and the Box; Biscuit and Sam; Biscuit and the Nest
包含四本: Biscuit's Trick (Short i) Biscuit and the Box (Short o) Biscuit and Sam (Short a) Biscuit and the Nest (Short e) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

This Is Biscuit; Biscuit and the Cat; Biscuit and the Hen; Biscuit's Tub Fun
包含四本: This Is Biscuit Biscuit and the Cat (Short a) Biscuit and the Hen (Short e) Biscuit's Tub Fun (Short u) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Uncle Elephant
Uncle Elephant comes to the rescue when his nephew's parents are lost at sea and cares for him until they are found again.

Little Bear
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I Am a Rock
Colorful artwork complements a fun-filled, easy-to-read introduction to rocks and minerals, in a fact-filled beginning science guide from the creators of I Am Water and I Am an Apple. Original.
I Like Fish
This Step 1 reader derives from a poem by the author of Goodnight Moon, children's literature legend Margaret Wise Brown. Its simple vocabulary, rhyme and rhythm, and vivid picture clues make it perfect for emergent readers, introducing them to an inviting underwater world and a successful reading experience! G. Brian Karas has created absolutely gorgeous art vignettes to showcase the incredibly varied fish and the kids who love them.

Choo Choo! Kids love trains! Especially the old-timey steam engines found in amusement parks and zoos. But what about a super-speeder in Japan that zooms on the track at 361 miles per hour? Or the world's longest freight train, stretching on for a whopping 4.6 miles? Or futuristic railways in the sky? In this Level 1 reader, young readers will discover a whole new way of looking at trains! National Geographic supports K-12 educators with ELA Common Core Resources. more information.

Last one in is a rotten egg
After Freddy is pushed into deep water by a couple of tough kids, he decides to learn to swim.

Introduces dinosaurs, including how scientists know they existed, what they ate, how they cared for their young, and what the descendants of dinosaurs may look like today.

Splat The Cat Takes The Cake
When Splat's family's television breaks in an unfortunate cat-astrophe, Splat vows to win a new TV by entereing a cake-baking competition. Splat's first attempt at cake baking is disastrous, but his second try is a winner. Splat creates a cake in the shape of his favorite TV superhero and saves the day! This Splat The Cat: I Can Read book focuses on the -ake sound.

Biscuit, the little yellow puppy, is so excited and energetic that he would rather play than go to bed, in an early vocabulary-building story for the youngest readers make it easy to follow along and find out if Biscuit will ever go to sleep..

Big Shark, Little Shark
Two friendly sharks of different sizes introduce examples of the concept of opposites in a leveled reader that compares their teeth, swimming speeds and appetites.

Loose Tooth
A young boy wakes up one morning to find that he has his very first loose tooth. But no matter how much he pushes, pulls, and wiggles it, it just won't come out!

Danny and the Dinosaur
A little boy is surprised and pleased when one of the dinosaurs from the museum agrees to play with him.