Nate The Great And The Missing Key
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書 | 偵探&解謎 | 林怡辰
Nate The Great And The Missing Key
K 520L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 9 |
適合年級 | 1 - 3 |
字數 | 1,725 字 |
Grade level equivalent | 2.0 |
AR level | 2.9 |
F&p/guided reading level | K |
Lexile | 520L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Penguin Random House |
出版日期 | August 1982 |
Unless Annie's house key can be found, Annie will have to cancel a birthday party for her dog, Fang, and master sleuth Nate is determined to solve the perplexing mystery.
Nate The Great On The Owl Express
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Crunchy Christmas
Annie養的大狗狗Fang每年聖誕節前2周都會收到狗媽媽Mrs. Fang寄的聖誕賀卡(應該是狗主人幫忙寄的...),但今年已到了聖誕節前一周了都還沒收到,Nate會如何解開這個謎團呢? ------ Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Sticky Case
Nate the Great, the junior sleuth, and his faithful dog, Sludge, track down a friend's missing stamp, the one with the picture of a dinosaur.
Nate The Great And The Stolen Base
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great Stalks Stupidweed
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Snowy Trail
Rosamond要送Nate生日禮物,但這個禮物卻在Rosamond前往Nate家的路上不見了。因為是個生日禮物,Rosamond不告訴Nate到底是個什麼東西,所以Nate這次的案件是要找出不知是什麼東西的東西,這樣該從何找起呢? ------ Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Hungry Book Club
Nate and his dog Sludge help Rosamond discover who has been tearing pages out of her books.
Nate The Great And The Pillowcase
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great Talks Turkey
A giant turkey is on the loose! Nate doesn't want to take a case that everyone in town is on. It looks as though Nate can sit this case out--until he turns on the TV and a picture of the turkey flashes on!
Nate The Great And The Phony Clue
Nate果然就是名符其實的偵探啊!即使是一張會被當成垃圾丟掉的一截紙片出現在家門前,他還是慎重的開始尋找這紙片出現在家門前的原因。 Nate從Rosamond的貓開始問案,並發現是一張邀請函,但還缺了署名的那一角。Nate後來拼出完整的一張紙後發現根本沒有署名,因此推測這是對他的一項測試,測試他到底是不是一位真正厲害的偵探! Nate有沒有成功證明自己是真有本事的偵探呢?有些線索就在插圖中,要仔細看囉! ------ Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great Goes Down In The Dumps
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Musical Note
When Rosamond turns a phone message from Pip's mother into a music lesson with a secret meaning, Nate the Great steps in to solve the mystery.
Nate The Great And The Halloween Hunt
萬聖夜這天,Rosamond和Annie扮成小紅帽去要糖果,到了Nate家時,Rosamond裝了糖果的籃子已經很重無法再裝了,她不是要來要糖果的,她要來請Nate幫忙找她的黑貓Little Hex。過程中Nate和Sludge到一間鬼屋尋找,但沒找到。Little Hex到底在哪裡呢? Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Boring Beach Bag
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Fishy Prize
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Monster Mess
Nate很喜歡媽媽做的怪物餅乾,但現在媽媽的怪物餅乾食譜不見了! Nate決定出門找媽媽詢問以找出線索,還沒找到媽媽,倒是先從鄰居朋友得到了許多媽媽的行蹤。遇到Annnie,知道了媽媽打算做檸檬口味的Fang形狀餅乾。從Oliver那得知3天前媽媽有到過魚店。到了魚店,遇到了Rosamond,Rosamond反面再次使用包過魚皺皺的紙張給了Nate靈感… ------ Nate has never solved a case for his mother before. Can he do it?
Nate The Great Saves The King Of Sweden
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great, Where Are You?
Nate the Great and his dog, Sludge, want to take a break from mystery solving, so they hide out in the woods, but even there someone still needs their help.
Nate The Great And The Big Sniff
Nate the Great follows the clues to find his lost dog, Sludge, in a department store.
Nate The Great And Me: The Case Of The Fleeing Fang
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Lost List
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great And The Tardy Tortoise
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Nate The Great San Francisco Detective
Nate the Great goes to San Francisco to solve a mystery with his cousin, Olivia Sharp, who is also a detective.
Nate The Great Goes Undercover
是誰每晚翻弄鄰居Oliver的垃圾桶呢? Rosamond、Esmeralda、Rosamond的貓還有附近所有的鼩鼱(動物方城市裡的Mr. Big就是鼩鼱喔)、鼴鼠、臭鼬、鳥還有浣熊都很可疑啊! 偵探工作可不是遊戲而已!敬業的Nate為了破案,除了到圖書館查資料外,還兩次在深夜中躲進垃圾桶裡。最後Nate有沒有偵破這個困難的案件呢? ------ A junior detective and his dog try to nab the creature that has been raiding a neighbor's garbage can.
Nate The Great And The Mushy Valentine
Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
Polar Bears Past Bedtime (MTH #12)
Jack and Annie go to the freezing Arctic to solve Morgan le Fay's final riddle and become master librarians. But it's not going to be easy--especially when they have cracking ice, a seal hunter, and a prodigious polar bear to deal with!
Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Carnival Prize
What wrongdoer is any match for Cam Jansen, the girl with the amazing photographic memory? Jennifer "Cam" (short for camera) Jansen and her friend Eric use her remarkable gift to track down clues and solve thrilling and puzzling mysteries.
Mr. Tall
Mr. Tall has one long problem, his legs! Can anyone help him?
Mr. Burke Is Berserk!
A latest collection of offbeat adventures featuring the students and faculty at Ella Mentry School profiles eccentric groundskeeper Mr. Burke, who in addition to landscaping, plants a corn maze on the baseball diamond, drag races on a riding mower and buries something suspicious under the monkey bars.
Mr. Rush
Mr. Rush is always in a hurry. Now he's got to find time for his career.
Ms. Sue Has No Clue!
The annual Ella Mentry School fundraiser for new school equipment finds organizer Ms. Sue compelling the teachers to sell everything from sausages and cheesy popcorn to dead goldfish until her efforts go too far.
Henry and Mudge and the Funny Lunch
Mudge looks forward to the Mother's Day surprise that Henry and his father cook up for Henry's mother.
Judy Moody Saves The World!
When Judy Moody gets serious about protecting the environment, her little brother Stink thinks she is overdoing it, but she manages to inspire her third-grade class to undertake an award-winning, environment-saving project.
The Giant Diamond Robbery
When Geronimo agrees to be a caddie for his grandfather in a golf tournament, he and Special Agent OOK team up to prevent the theft of the Super Mouse Cup.
Little Bear's Friend
Little Bear makes friends in the woods with Emily and her doll Lucy. When Emily has to leave, Little Bear finds a new way to keep in touch with his friend.
Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
The shortest kid in the second-grade, James Moody, also known as Stink, learns all about the shortest president of the United States, James Madison, when they celebrate Presidents' Day at school.
Lions At Lunchtime (MTH #11)
Jack and Annie are off to the vast plains of Africa, where they must solve another of Morgan le Fay's riddle. Once solved, they still have to get past a pride of lions, a herd of rampaging wildebeests and one very hungry Masai warrior.