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Nate The Great And The Crunchy Christmas

分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書 | 偵探&解謎 | 林怡辰

Nate The Great And The Crunchy Christmas


適讀年齡 6 - 9
適合年級 1 - 3
字數 2,212 字
Grade level equivalent 2.0
AR level 2.7
F&p/guided reading level K
Lexile 530L
DRA level
出版社 Penguin Random House
出版日期 October 1997

Annie養的大狗狗Fang每年聖誕節前2周都會收到狗媽媽Mrs. Fang寄的聖誕賀卡(應該是狗主人幫忙寄的...),但今年已到了聖誕節前一周了都還沒收到,Nate會如何解開這個謎團呢?

Getting all the facts, asking the right questions, and narrowing down the suspects, Nate the Great and his dog Sludge solve a variety of mysteries.
