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Splat The Cat Takes The Cake

初學閱讀階段 | I Can Read!

Splat The Cat Takes The Cake


適讀年齡 4 - 8
適合年級 P - 1
字數 435 字
Grade level equivalent
AR level 2.1
F&p/guided reading level I
DRA level
出版社 HarperCollins
出版日期 February 2012

When Splat's family's television breaks in an unfortunate cat-astrophe, Splat vows to win a new TV by entereing a cake-baking competition. Splat's first attempt at cake baking is disastrous, but his second try is a winner. Splat creates a cake in the shape of his favorite TV superhero and saves the day! This Splat The Cat: I Can Read book focuses on the -ake sound.
