Splat The Cat Sings Flat
初學閱讀階段 | I Can Read!
Splat The Cat Sings Flat
I 430L
適讀年齡 | 4 - 8 |
適合年級 | P - 1 |
字數 | 518 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 1.8 |
F&p/guided reading level | I |
Lexile | 430L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | March 2011 |
Splat the cat is very nervous when his class prepares to sing on Parents' Night.

Blow, Snow, Blow
Looking forward to having fun in the snow with his friends, Splat the Cat decides he cannot wait for the snow to start falling and takes matters into his own paws with hilarious results, in a story complemented by skill-building phonics components.

Splat The Cat With A Bang And A Clang
An introduction to the "-ang" word family invites young fans to cheer Splat on during a noisy and uproarious effort to join his friends' band, an attempt that is challenged by Splat's inability to sing or play an instrument.

Splat The Cat And The Duck With No Quack
A duck with no quack? Who has ever heard of that? Certainly not Splat-and he decides to investigate. Beginning readers will love the zany wordplay in this Splat book!

Good Night, Sleep Tight
Splat is excited about camping out until his mother surprises him with the news that Spike and Plank will be there, too.

Splat And Seymour, Best Friends Forevermore
Celebrate friendship with a surprise party in this Splat the Cat adventure that features the -ore sound.

A Whale Of A Tale
Splat the Cat can't wait for his trip to the beach. His grandpa tells him all about a special kind of seashell that sounds just like the ocean when you put it next to your ear! Splat is determined to find one, and nothing will distract him! But when all he finds are broken shells, can a friend in the ocean help save the day?

The Name Of The Game
Looking forward to a fun-filled playdate with his friends Spike and Plank, Splat the Cat is dismayed when things start going wrong, from his fall during a game to his inability to find a good hide-and-seek spot.

Splat The Cat Takes The Cake
When Splat's family's television breaks in an unfortunate cat-astrophe, Splat vows to win a new TV by entereing a cake-baking competition. Splat's first attempt at cake baking is disastrous, but his second try is a winner. Splat creates a cake in the shape of his favorite TV superhero and saves the day! This Splat The Cat: I Can Read book focuses on the -ake sound.

Splat the Cat Makes Dad Glad
When Dad's team loses a soccer game, Splat decides to cheer up his dad by entering them in a father-son six-legged race at the Cat School Picnic. The race doesn't go the way Splat hoped, but he still makes his dad very, very glad!

Twice The Mice
Splat is thrilled when he finds out that Seymour's brother is coming to visit. Splat even stays up all night planning ways to impress his new friend. Although Splat's big surprise takes a calamitous turn, everyone ends up having even more fun than they expected!

I Scream For Ice Cream
Reinforces beginning-reader skills with the -eam/-eme word family in a story that finds Splat on a class field trip to an ice cream factory that culminates in a gooey mess.

Splat The Cat And The Quick Chicks
Splat's class project is taking care of chicken eggs in this I Can Read book from New York Times bestselling author-artist Rob Scotton. When Splat takes the chicks home overnight, they hatch and run loose around his house! They pop up in the bathroom, hide inside his socks, and fall asleep in the paint box! Will Splat be able to round them all up? Beginning readers will practice words in the quick and chick word family in this easy-to-read addition to the Splat series.

Splat The Cat And The Hotshot
A skill-building reader introduces the "-ot" word family in a story that finds Splat the Cat excitedly participating in Cat Scouts jamboree activities, including knot tying, fire building and escaping a mud puddle.

Up In The Air At The Fair
Splat The Cat is back in New York Times bestselling author-illustrator Rob Scotton's beginning reader Splat The Cat: Up In The Air At The Fair. In this My First I Can Read Book, Splat, Spike, and Plank can't wait to go to the fair. But when Kitten can't come, the friends are determined to bring her back the perfect gift. Beginning readers will delight in Splat's hilarious attempts to find the perfect present. Readers won't even know they are learning as they have fun with the air sound. Splat The Cat: Up In The Air At The Fair is a is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

The Rain Is A Pain
Splat the Cat can't wait to try out his brand-new roller skates! But when it starts to rain, Splat's sure that his day will be ruined. Is there anything fun to do inside?

Invisible Stanley
One morning after a thunderstorm, the Lambchop family is surprised to discover that Stanley is suddenly invisible.

Pete's Big Lunch
The grooving cool cat Pete appears in a beginning reader story that finds him making the biggest sandwich he has ever seen and looking for a friend who will help him eat it.
Biscuit, the little yellow puppy, is so excited and energetic that he would rather play than go to bed, in an early vocabulary-building story for the youngest readers make it easy to follow along and find out if Biscuit will ever go to sleep..

B is for Books!
In this full color illustrated book, Slimey, Oscar the Grouch's pet worm, plays the bookworm in this delightful ode to reading. "B is for books. All kinds of books! Books about counting. Books about cooks..."

Night Party; Joke Show; Unicorns Rule; Waiting for Fairies
包含四本: Night Party (Long i) Joke Show (Long o) Unicorns Rule (Long u) Waiting for Fairies (Long and short vowel sounds) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

The Pinstripe Ghost
Mike and Kate are waiting for Kate's mom at a boring press conference in Yankee Stadium when the team official says something that makes Mike perk up his ears. There are rumors that the ghost of Babe Ruth is haunting the new stadium! A chill air blasts down a service hallway before every home game, along with various thumps and bumps. Is the Bambino really searching for his missing locker?

Snow Daze
When Pete the Cat wakes up to a snow day, he's so excited to play outside with Bob and Callie, But when one snow day turns into three, four, and more, it's up to Pete to find a way to get school reopened.

The Magic School Bus Weathers the Storm
CRASH! BOOM! FLASH! There are stormy skies ahead for Ms. Frizzle and her class. What happens when the Magic School Bus turns into a weather balloon? Take off with the Magic School Bus and learn all about what happens during a thunderstorm.

Nate The Great And The Missing Key
Annie要替愛犬辦party,Rosamond卻把Annie的家門鑰匙藏起來了,並留了謎題,將線索以詩的形式寫出來。 雖然Nate在解謎過程中不是很順利,但因而在肚子餓回家吃鬆餅時從一抽屜的閃亮銀色餐具獲得了破案的靈感,那Rosamond到底將鑰匙藏在哪裡呢? 爸爸媽媽可以告訴孩子你很好奇鑰匙到底藏在哪裡,鼓勵開始練習獨立閱讀的孩子趕快幫你看完故事告訴你答案,真的是Rosamond說的『又圓又大又安全又閃亮的地方』嗎? ------ Unless Annie's house key can be found, Annie will have to cancel a birthday party for her dog, Fang, and master sleuth Nate is determined to solve the perplexing mystery.

The Big Snowball
A little boy's runaway snowball wreaks village-wide havoc! Simple rhyming text and funny illustrations describe the snowball's path through town. The silly ending will leave kids giggling. Picture Readers combine rebus pictures, super-simple vocabulary, and cut-out flash cards to develop and reinforce reading skills.

Travel to ancient Egypt to learn all about its amazing pyramids in this new National Geographic Kids Reader. The Level 1 text provides accessible, yet wide-ranging, information for beginning readers about these amazing wonders of the world and their importance today.

Fox at school
Starring in the school play means hard work, and being left in charge means keeping the class under control. Fox thinks there's nothing to it. And, when he's put to the test, will Fox retreat?