Biscuit's Trick; Biscuit and the Box; Biscuit and Sam; Biscuit and the Nest
Phonics 讀本 | 初學閱讀階段 | I Can Read!
Biscuit's Trick; Biscuit and the Box; Biscuit and Sam; Biscuit and the Nest
適讀年齡 | - |
適合年級 | - |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | 2008 |
Biscuit's Trick (Short i)
Biscuit and the Box (Short o)
Biscuit and Sam (Short a)
Biscuit and the Nest (Short e)
除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Biscuit and the Duck; Biscuit and the Kittens; Biscuit and the Frog; Biscuit
包含四本: Biscuit and the Duck (Short u) Biscuit and the Kittens (Short i) Biscuit and the Frog (Short o) Biscuit (Short vowel sounds) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

This Is Biscuit; Biscuit and the Cat; Biscuit and the Hen; Biscuit's Tub Fun
包含四本: This Is Biscuit Biscuit and the Cat (Short a) Biscuit and the Hen (Short e) Biscuit's Tub Fun (Short u) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Jack And Jill And Big Dog Bill
Jack and Jill enjoy sledding until their dog gets tired.

Thomas and the Jet Engine
Gordon loves to remind everyone that he is the fast and important train. But one day, Thomas is given a very special job: he is taking a jet engine to the airport. When the engine is switched on, suddenly Thomas is the fast and important train!

Watch Your Step, Mr. Rabbit!
In a delightful, cautionary tale, Mr. Rabbit's friends try a number of hilarious hijinks in an attempt to get his feet out of the cement in which he accidentally and carelessly got them stuck.

Biscuit in the Snow; Biscuit and the Mule; Biscuit bakes a Cake; Biscuit's Hide and Seek
包含四本: Biscuit in the Snow (Long o) Biscuit and the Mule (Long u/oo) Biscuit bakes a Cake (Long a) Biscuit's Hide and Seek (Long e) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Pinkalicious: Flower Girl
Overhearing her mother talking about a "flower girl" on the telephone, Pinkalicious envisions a girl made of flowers and decides to dress up like a flower herself before learning that she is going to be participating in a beautiful wedding. By the best-selling author of Goldlicious.

Presents seven easy-to-read ghost stories based on traditional folktales and legends from various countries.

The 18 penny goose
Eight-year-old Letty attempts to save her pet goose from marauding British soldiers in New Jersey during the Revolutionary War.

The long way to the new land
Carl Erik journeys with his family from Sweden to America during the famine of 1868.

Digger The Dinosaur
恐龍Digger想和朋友Steggo一起玩,但是他必須先整理房間,Steggo也幫忙Digger一起收拾。 這本讀本的亮點是利用相同<span style="color:#EA7066">韻腳</span>的兩個字,像是mess/yes、bones/stones、hats/cats等等,Digger和Steggo因此有了聽錯而收錯東西的情況發生,是學齡前孩子會覺得有趣的小幽默。 除了有押韻的單字,還有重複的句子,而場景又是孩子生活中最熟悉的日常瑣事:收拾自己的東西,角色的互動和回應都很正面,很適合初學閱讀的小小孩。

Buzz, Bee!
Bzzz! Learn all about honey bees in the next pre-reader from National Geographic Kids! Through text features such as a vocabulary tree and a wrap-up activity, kids will be introduced to new words and concepts -- helping them expand their understanding of the world.

Arthur’s honey bear
Arthur decides to sell his old toys, but cannot make a decision about the stuffed bear given to him by his father.

Bears are Curious
Bears are curious, and so are kids! In this sweet Step into Reading, kids can follow a mother bear and her two cubs from winter hibernation to summer sun through an entire year. Kids will learn simple bear facts in this engaging, kid-friendly story that will appeal to even the youngest of animal lovers.