The Princess of the Fillmore Street School
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書
The Princess of the Fillmore Street School
L 610L
適讀年齡 | 8 - 12 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 3,005 字 |
Grade level equivalent | 2.0 |
AR level | 3.2 |
F&p/guided reading level | L |
Lexile | 610L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Penguin Random House |
出版日期 | May 2005 |
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事!
The Pizza Monster
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Olivia的第一個案主:Duncan,是一位與Olivia同一學校,憂鬱、覺得世界快要末日的男孩。在學校其實沒有朋友的Duncan,要請Olivia幫他解決『失去最好的朋友』的秘密問題。 Duncan和最好的朋友Desiree在pizza店吃pizza,Desiree真的是Duncan的好朋友嗎?為什麼Desiree沒有吃就生氣離開了呢?Olivia會怎麼幫Duncan挽回友情? 遣詞用字簡單,但情節不簡單,幽默有趣又值得思考,很適合和孩子討論,適合國小以上。
The Sly Spy
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Desiree的生日快到了,她喜歡羽毛,因此Duncan、Mortimer、Sheena合買了一隻金絲雀要送給Desiree,並且秘密的將金絲雀藏起來,要在Desiree的生日宴會給她一個驚喜。可是Desiree迫不及待想知道她的禮物是什麼,因為跑到朋友家查看。巧遇Olivia的Sheena便將秘密禮物託給Olivia保管。 Olivia本來以為保管禮物只是個無聊的案件,沒想到Desiree找了一位剛當間諜的男孩E.J.來幫她查出她的生日禮物到底是什麼。 E.J.就要知道禮物是什麼了!Olivia是怎麼混淆E.J.,成功守住秘密的呢? 此系列雖不照順序閱讀並不影響劇情理解,但本集出現的人物在前兩集有出現,先讀過前面的故事,清楚了人物的性格,閱讀時能更添樂趣跟理解角色的行為。
The Green Toenails Gang
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Olivia最好的朋友Taffy搬家了,她想參加新學校裡的一個秘密團體,卻被其中的成員拒絕。Olivia要如何替Taffy解開隱藏的秘密?又要如何幫助Taffy加入這個團體呢?
My Hands
Describes the parts of the hand and all the things our hands help us to do.
Chill of the Ice Dragon
In the ninth book, a Dragon Master named Mina arrives at the castle. She tells Drake and his friends that her kingdom in the Far North Lands was attacked by a magical Ice Giant. Everything there was frozen -- but Mina escaped! Only a fire dragon can unfreeze her land and defeat the terrible Ice Giant. But Rori and Vulcan are no longer at the castle! Can the Dragon Masters find them in time to help their new friend?
Cam Jansen and the Tennis Trophy Mystery
Cam Jansen, with Eric at her side, helps solve the mystery of what happened to Mr. Day's tennis trophy.
Henry and Mudge in the Sparkle Days
Henry and his 180-pound dog Mudge are best friends forever. And in this fifth book of their adventures, they share the joys of winter.
Colossal Fossil
In the tenth A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose have a sleepover . . . with a Spinosaurus! It's sleepover night at a science museum in Boston. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose can't wait to settle their sleeping bags near the museum's colossal fossil--a giant Spinosaurus skeleton--and tour the exhibits long after closing time. But after they fall asleep, they wake to a terrible crash! Is the dinosaur fossil damaged? Or is there another big problem at the science museum? Help Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose solve mysteries from A to Z!
Flying Birthday Cake?
Two days after Marvin sees a glowing green thing that looks like a flying birthday cake in the night sky, his third-grade class is joined by a mysterious new boy with peculiar behavior.
Hang a Left at Venus
In Central Park, Zack and his dad encounter an alien who has lost his spaceship, which has been towed because it was illegally parked.
Ducks Don't Get Wet
Describes the behavior of different kinds of ducks and, in particular, discusses how all ducks use preening to keep their feathers dry.
Is There Life in Outer Space?
Life In Outer SpaceBears and birds, people and planets -- many things live on planet Earth. But do they live anywhere else? For a long time people have wondered about that. Maybe you have, too. Read and find out how scientists search for signs of life in outer space.
Henry and Mudge and Annie`s Good Move
When Henry's cousin, Annie, moves in next door, she's so nervous she breaks out in blotches! But Henry knows the perfect cure for moving-day jitters.
Tut's Mummy ─ Lost ... and Found
Describes the burial of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen and the discovery of his long-lost tomb by archaeologists more than 3,000 years later.