Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet!
分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 初級章節書 | 幽默
Mr. Granite Is from Another Planet!
O 500L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 10 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.7 |
F&p/guided reading level | O |
Lexile | 500L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | September 2008 |
New third grade teacher Mr. Granite has so many strange ideas about how to make Ella Mentary School environmentally friendly that the students are sure he must be an alien.

Officer Spence Makes No Sense!
When peanut butter and jelly sandwiches start disappearing from the Ella Mentry School cafeteria, the security guard, Officer Spence, goes too far when he starts arresting people and applying lie-detector tests to find the thief.

Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!
Ella Mentry School counselor Dr. Brad believes wisecracking A.J. may be a genius and subjects him to some very strange tests to find out for sure.

Ms. Leakey Is Freaky!
Ella Mentry School hires a health teacher who tries to force the students to eat healthy foods and exercise, whether they want to or not.

Mrs. Jaffee Is Daffy!
The new vice principal of Ella Mentry School has some crazy ideas on how to teach kids. A.J. and the gang have to stand on their heads and do math! They have to take a spelling test underwater! Everybody has to do yoga! Could it get any weirder?

Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control!
A.J. and the gang are excited to be graduating second and moving into third grade, but are a bit worried when the PTA president goes a little bit overboard, planning fireworks, a petting zoo, and a flyover of the Blue Angels for the event.

Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!
It's Pee Wee Football season, and A.J.'s new coach is crazy. She wants the boys to do push-ups in the mud. She wants them to pick up a car. And worst of all, she wants to put girls on the team!

Mrs. Lizzy Is Dizzy!
When the Board of Education starts REP, the Recess Enrichment Program, A.J. and his classmates have to take classes during recess with Mrs. Lizzy, who teaches them lots of strange things during their school's Crazy Week.

Miss Mary Is Scary!
When a British student-teacher arrives, A. J. and his friends wonder if her black clothing and love of blood sausage mark her as a vampire, while Mr. Granite hopes her boyfriend will stay away long enough for a math lesson.

Mr. Sunny Is Funny!
Second-grade graduate A.J. and his family rent a beach house, but summer vacation is ruined when annoying Andrea shows up and develops a crush on the lifeguard.

Miss Laney Is Zany!
A.J. has to go see Miss Laney, the speech teacher, which makes no sense at all because he already knows how to talk. Miss Laney has him say weird tongue twisters and forces him to be the lead in the third grade play, Romeo and Juliet.

Mr. Tony Is Full of Baloney!
A.J.'s mom just got a job, so he has to go to ASKK--After School Kids' Kare. Mr. Tony, the guy who runs the ASKK program, is crazy. Will A. J. and the gang be able to tunnel out of the child-care room and escape to freedom?

The Quicksand Question
When someone steals the money the town has been collecting to help the ducks, Josh and his friends try to find the thief.

Mr. Tony Is Full of Baloney!
A.J.'s mom just got a job, so he has to go to ASKK--After School Kids' Kare. Mr. Tony, the guy who runs the ASKK program, is crazy. Will A. J. and the gang be able to tunnel out of the child-care room and escape to freedom?

Ladybug Life Cycle
Book by Justin McCory Martin

I'm out of My Body...Please Leave a Message
Zack and Spencer discover how to leave their bodies and travel around New York City. But they have one problem--how to get back inside themselves.

Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead Eagles
In each book, fifth-grade detective "Encyclopedia" Leroy Brown solves ten mysteries. Solutions are found in the back of the book, challenging readers to practice their own skills as sleuths (and critical thinkers).

Shine of the Silver Dragon
The wizard Maldred is back! And Diego is under his dark spell! Drake learns that Maldred wants to control the Naga -- an enormous dragon that lives deep within the Earth. Two keys are needed to control the Naga. The first key is guarded by a Silver Dragon named Argent. Drake, Bo and Carlos must find Argent and stop Diego before it's too late. But will Argent's powerful Dragon Master Jean get in their way?

The Green Toenails Gang
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Olivia最好的朋友Taffy搬家了,她想參加新學校裡的一個秘密團體,卻被其中的成員拒絕。Olivia要如何替Taffy解開隱藏的秘密?又要如何幫助Taffy加入這個團體呢?

In preparation for Picture Day at the dog park, a precocious pack of pooches head to the groomer for some much-needed attention to their curly coifs, but the situation quickly goes awry when a couple of troublesome cats make an unexpected appearance.

Tiger Is A Scaredy Cat
Tiger, a scaredy-cat who is even afraid of the mice in his house, conquers his fear to help Baby Mouse.

Diary of a Worm: Nat the Gnat
Worm is thrilled when it's his turn to take care of the class pet, Nat the Gnat. But everything goes wrong when he leaves the lid of Nat's tank open. Can Worm make sure the class pet returns safe and sound before Mrs. Mulch finds out? This all-new, original I Can Read story captures the fun of the #1 New York Times bestselling Diary of a Worm picture book series by Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss, and will leave beginning readers wiggling for more!This Level 1 I Can Read book is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

The Magic School Bus On The Ocean Floor
On another special field trip on the Magic School Bus, Ms. Frizzle's class learns about the ocean and the different creatures that live there.

Presents an introduction to storms, discussing features of the different types of extreme weather, along with some examples of how animals and humans adapt to the conditions.