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Secret Admirer

分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 偵探&解謎 | 中級章節書

Secret Admirer

By: Ron Roy


適讀年齡 6 - 9
適合年級 2 - 4
字數 12,300 字
Grade level equivalent
AR level 3.8
F&p/guided reading level N
Lexile 550L
DRA level
出版社 Penguin Random House
出版日期 December 2015

It's Valentine's Day in Green Lawn! But Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose just aren't feeling the love this year. Valentine's Day was so much more fun when they were little. Then they each start getting messages and clues from a secret admirer! Can the kids figure out who wants to be their Valentine? The alphabet is over, but the mysteries continue in this eighth A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, featuring a 26-letter secret message hidden in the illustrations.
