Invisible Fran
分級讀本/橋梁書 | Read to Learn 階段 | 中級章節書 | 幽默
Invisible Fran
N 840L
適讀年齡 | 7 - 10 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 4,177 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 5.2 |
F&p/guided reading level | N |
Lexile | 840L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Simon & Schuster |
出版日期 | June 2005 |
When Franny Stein, self-styled mad scientist, creates a robot to show her school friends the joys of science, she ends up learning something from them instead.

Lunch Walks Among Us
Finding it hard to make friends, eccentric mad-scientist Franny K. Stein transforms herself into a much-adored popular girl. But when a monster erupts from the garbage, Franny must choose between her newfound fame or being herself.

Frantastic Voyage
When her lab assistant, Igor the dog, swallows a doomsday device with a ticking clock, Franny K. Stein shrinks herself down in a miniature machine and enters the body of her beloved pooch to track down the device and stop it from going off.

Attack of the 50 ft. Cupid
Frannie tries to prevent chaos when her new lab assistant, Igor, a dog of many breeds, accidentally lets loose a giant, 50 foot, arrow-shooting cupid.

The Fran that Time Forgot
When her embarrassing middle name is revealed at school, mad-scientist Franny K. Stein experiments with time in order to return to the past and give herself a more dignified name.

The Frandidate
Mad scientist Frannie K. Stein, determined to be elected class president, uses her Atomic Combiner to create a suit that makes her seem to be whatever a voter wants her to be, but the suit has plans of its own.

The Fran with Four Brains
With so much on her plate, like creating monsters and dealing with overgrown babies, mad scientist Fran decides that the only way to get all her tasks done is to create Franbots.

Thea Stilton And the Prince's Emerald
When the Thea Sister's friend Ashvin is in trouble, they rush to his aid in India! Ashvin has been working to take all the monkeys that live in the big city and bring them back to their natural jungle environment. But when the monkeys steal the Indian Prince's emerald, Ashvin is devastated. Someone must be behind this terrible monkeying around. Can the Thea sisters solve the mystery?

What's It Like to Be a Fish?
Could you live underwater?You can't breathe underwater, but a fish can. You can't eat underwater, but a fish does it every day. A fish's body is perfectly designed for life in water, just as your body is perfect for living on land. Read and find out how a fish's sleek body, fins, scales, and gills keep him in the swim! Then read on to learn how to set up your own goldfish bowl.

The Green Toenails Gang
大偵探Nate the Great的表妹Olivia Sharp的偵探故事! Olivia最好的朋友Taffy搬家了,她想參加新學校裡的一個秘密團體,卻被其中的成員拒絕。Olivia要如何替Taffy解開隱藏的秘密?又要如何幫助Taffy加入這個團體呢?

The Scoop On Ice Cream!
Chill out with the fascinating history behind ice cream, the first in a fact-tastic Level 3 Ready-to-Read nonfiction series about the history of fun stuff! Did you know that immigrants to Ellis Island were served ice cream as part of their first meal in America? Or that George Washington spent more than $200 on ice cream during the summer of 1790? Learn all about the cool history of everyone's favorite frozen treat in this fun, fact-filled Level 3 reader. A special section at the back of the book includes relevant info on subjects like geography and science, and there's even a fun quiz so you can test yourself to see what you've learned!

The Science Fair Is Freaky!
Eerie Elementary is having a science fair. Sam, Antonio, and Lucy are hard at work on their projects when they find a strange, old book. Suddenly, the school comes alive! The ground shakes, science projects explode, and the school gym turns into a giant volcano! How will Sam and his friends fight hot lava? And what is hidden in that strange, old book?

The Boxcar Children
The Aldens begin their adventure by making a home in a boxcar. Their goal is to stay together, and in the process they find a grandfather.

Dinosaurs Are Different
Explains how the various orders and suborders of dinosaurs were similar and different in structure and appearance.

The Skeleton Inside You
What does your skeleton do?Your skeleton helps you leap, somersault, and touch your toeswithout it, you would be as floppy as a beanbag! There are over 200 bones living and growing inside you that make up your skeleton. There are also ligaments and joints that hold your bones together, and cartilage in your bendable parts like your ears and your nose. Learn all about what a skeleton can dobecause this isn't some make-believe Halloween skeleton, this is the real skeleton inside you.

The Case Of the Hungry Stranger
Wizard and his friends are clueless when they are sent on the trail of a blueberry pie thief--until he hits on a plan that is sure to nab the sweet-toothed pilferer.

Earthquake In The Early Morning (MTH #24)
The magic tree house takes Jack and Annie to San Francisco in 1906, in time for them to experience one of the biggest earthquakes the United States had ever known.

November Night
It's a mystery every month from A to Z Mysteries author Ron Roy! It's November, and the younger siblings of the A to Z Mysteries detectives have a new mystery to solve. ''The twins' new neighbors are up to something! It's Thanksgiving, and a mysterious couple has moved in next door. Bradley, Brian, Nate, and Lucy mustwork outthe clues: The neighbors have built a tall wooden fence. They've bought some strange parts formaking . . . something. They've even put up a suspicious tent in their backyard, with a big, scary dog to guard it. What could they possibly be hiding?

The Magic School Bus Takes a Moonwalk
Based upon the award-winning TV series, Magic School Bus Scholastic Reader make learning an adventure!Ms. Frizzle's class is taking a special nighttime hayride to learn about the moon. But when a cloudy sky spoils the trip, everyone piles onto the Magic School Bus for a better view. You can bet this adventure will be anything but ordinary!