Stanley in Space
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書
Stanley in Space
M 580L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 10 |
適合年級 | 2 - 5 |
字數 | 6,963 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.9 |
F&p/guided reading level | M |
Lexile | 580L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | August 2009 |
When the residents of a far-distant planet send a message to Earth asking for someone to meet with them, the President of the United States asks Stanley Lambchop, an all-American boy, to be his ambassador.

Stanley, Flat Again!
This sequel to Flat Stanley, a tale about a boy who was flattened by a fallen bulletin board, tells of his latest wild and wacky adventures as a two-dimensional child living in a three-dimensional world.

Invisible Stanley
One morning after a thunderstorm, the Lambchop family is surprised to discover that Stanley is suddenly invisible.

Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure!
After a bulletin board falls on Stanley while he is sleeping, he finds that being only half an inch thick has its advantages.

Buffalo Before Breakfast (MTH #18)
The Magic Tree House carries Jack and his sister Annie back to the Old West, where they roam the Great Plains with a Lakota boy. Illustrations.

The Knights of the Kitchen Table
Three friends, Sam, Joe, and Fred travel through time having action-packed, outlandish adventures. The snappy dialogue and classic "boy" humor in this series of chapter books will engage the most reluctant readers.

Magical Mission
I was traveling to London, England on a secret mission! I had to investigate some strange occurrences -- someone was trying to get their paws on the crown jewels! Trap came along, too, to compete in a big magic show. And before I could solve my mystery, Trap needed my help... to perform an impossible magic trick. Could I do it all? Squeak!

Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days
A brand-new friend and a big class project put Judy in an international mood in this comical new adventure. Judy Moody cannot believe her ears. There at the lunch table, a girl called Amy Namey is interviewing Judy's best friends, Rocky and Frank. Even worse, Amy is dressed like Nellie Bly, daredevil woman reporter, much like Judy's emulation of a certain woman doctor. Is this clipboard-carrying girl destined to be Judy's new best enemy? Or new best friend? Judy Moody finds some unexpected potholes on the path to friendship as Class 3T takes a whirlwind tour of the globe, investigating everything from tooth-brushing sticks in Yemen to an Italian "spider dance" along the way. Fans will cheer as Judy finally masters the challenge of making new friends and keeping the old for sure and absolute positivo!

Cam Jansen and the Millionaire Mystery
Using her excellent memory, Cam Jansen, aided by her friend Eric, investigates the disappearance of Mrs. Scott's valuable pearl necklace during a charity brunch.

The Magic School Bus Fights Germs
Wanda is sick! Ms. Frizzle and the class will get a close look at her sore throat, but what will happen when Wanda's body mistakes the kids for germs? Climb aboard the Magic School Bus and learn all about how our bodies fight germs!

Power of the Fire Dragon
When the king decides to take the dragons to Arkwood to visit Queen Rose, Rori, Drake, and their dragons are left behind--so when the evil wizard Maldred attacks the castle riding a giant four-headed dragon that spits poison, the two young dragon mastersand their dragons are forced to defend the castle by themselves.

Moonwalk ─ The First Trip to the Moon
Narrates the preparations and activities which culminated in man's first landing on the moon in July 1969.

Discusses the physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle of sharks.

Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin
Henry and Mudge have a tough time winning over Henry's prim and proper cousin Annie until the threesome discovers their shared passion for Frisbee.

A Little Shopping
Rosie, Lily, and Tess, three cousins who are living together with their aunt, decide to make a miniature flower shop just like Aunt Lucy's real shop, and give it to her as a gift.

Mercy Watson Thinks Like A Pig
鄰居奶奶Eugenia在房子周圍種了三色紫蘿蘭,卻被Mercy吃掉了。氣炸了的Eugenia決定打電話請動物管理單位來處理!Mercy會被帶走嗎? *<span style="color:#EA7066">紐伯瑞兒童文學獎得主作品!</span> *此系列6本由於人物出現有次序性,建議按順序閱讀。