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Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May.)

分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書

Junie B., First Grader: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells! (P.S. So Does May.)


適讀年齡 6 - 9
適合年級 1 - 3
字數 11,197 字
Grade level equivalent
AR level 2.8
F&p/guided reading level M
Lexile 340L
DRA level
出版社 Penguin Random House
出版日期 September 2009

When she picks Tattletale May's name for Secret Santa, Junie B., who has been unable to enjoy the holiday festivities due to May, seizes this opportunity to get even!
