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Junie B. Jones And A Little Monkey Business

分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書

Junie B. Jones And A Little Monkey Business


適讀年齡 6 - 9
適合年級 1 - 3
字數 6,603 字
Grade level equivalent 2.0
AR level 2.9
F&p/guided reading level M
Lexile 540L
DRA level
出版社 Penguin Random House
出版日期 February 1993

Junie B. Jones has a new baby brother her grandma calls the cutest little monkey!'' Junie has told the kids in her class that he'sA REAL, ALIVE, BABY MONKEY,'' and she's taking bids from her ``bestest'' friends for the first look.
