Monster School: First Day Frights
分級讀本/橋梁書 | I Can Read!
Monster School: First Day Frights
適讀年齡 | 4 - 8 |
適合年級 | P - 3 |
字數 | 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | |
DRA level | |
出版社 | HarperCollins |
出版日期 | June 2012 |
Norm is just plain normaluntil he finds himself in a new school, where all his classmates are monsters! Suddenly Norm isn't normal anymore!

Babe Ruth Saves Baseball
Step into Reading Step 3.

To the Rescue; Fall Festival; Going to the Sea Park; This is My Town
包含四本: To the Rescue (Short i) Fall Festival (Short o) Going to the Sea Park (Short a) This is My Town (Short e) 除了能練習Phonics(自然發音),也能練習Sight words(常見字)

Itty Bitty Kitty: Firehouse Fun
Ava and Itty Bitty Kitty are off to visit the firehouse! Avas giant cat is usually less than purr-fectly behaved, and this trip is no exception! Will Itty Bittys nose for trouble make them new friendsor make their visit to the firehouse a disaster?I Can Read Books are designed to encourage a love of reading. Itty Bitty Kitty: Firehouse Fun is a My First I Can Read book, and with basic language, word repetition, and great illustrations, its perfect for shared reading with a child.

Henry and Mudge and the Great Grandpas
When Henry and Mudge go to their Great-Grandpa Bill's house and get introduced to a whole collection of other fun great-grandpas, a fun day on the porch turns into an adventure when the gang heads over to the secret pond for a day of swimming!

Chill of the Ice Dragon
In the ninth book, a Dragon Master named Mina arrives at the castle. She tells Drake and his friends that her kingdom in the Far North Lands was attacked by a magical Ice Giant. Everything there was frozen -- but Mina escaped! Only a fire dragon can unfreeze her land and defeat the terrible Ice Giant. But Rori and Vulcan are no longer at the castle! Can the Dragon Masters find them in time to help their new friend?

The Smurfs #13: The Smurf Soup
When Gargamel meets a giant with an insatiable appetite, he comes up with a plan to use the giant to destroy the Smurfs: tell him that Smurfs make the most delicious soup in the world! Papa Smurf catches wind of the plot, and begins to create a potion that will enable them to turn the giant, nicknamed "Bigmouth," against Gargamel. But when Bigmouth stumbles into the Smurfs village, the potion isn't ready, and the Smurfs must distract the hungry giant, or meet an untimely end inside its belly.

Discovery in the Cave
This amazing true adventure story about the discovery of the Lascaux Cave will have young readers feeling that they've discovered something pretty special, too!In 1940, four teenage boys and a dog dropped themselves into a hole in the forest floor. Using a flaming grease gun as a torch, they ventured deep underground, eventually coming to a huge cave, the walls of which were covered with life-size paintings of animals. Whole herds of horses! Deer with horns as big as tree branches! Giant bison! The boys were amazed by their discovery. They'd stumbled upon the world's finest examples of prehistoric painting!Perfect for classroom use, this Step 4 Step into Reading book is realistically illustrated by award-winning artist Bryn Barnard.

The Secret of the Green Skin
Todd, with the help of his third-grade classmates, helps solve many mysteries.

Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp
Danny and his friend the dinosaur go to summer camp together.

The Case Of the Hungry Stranger
Wizard and his friends are clueless when they are sent on the trail of a blueberry pie thief--until he hits on a plan that is sure to nab the sweet-toothed pilferer.

Meet the seafaring adventurers, storytellers, and famous figures of Norse history in this new Leveled Reader, perfect for independent readers and kids who love learning about ancient cultures. Learn how the Vikings lived, worked, and played (...and pillaged!). Explore the rich history, culture, mythology and newest findings of the ever interesting Viking world. National Geographic Readers' expert-vetted text, along with brilliant images and a fun approach to reading have proved to be a winning formula with kids, parents and educators. Level 2 text provides accessible, yet wide-ranging, information for kids ready to read on their own. Each reader includes text written by an experienced, skilled children's books author, a photo glossary, and interactive features in which kids get to reinforce what they've learned in the book.

Dream March ─ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the March on Washington
An inspiring biography introducing children to the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the historic march on Washington.Young readers can now learn about one of the greatest civil rights leaders of all time, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in this Level 3 Step into Reading Biography Reader. Set against Dr. Kings historic march on Washington in the summer of 1963, a moving story and powerful illustrations combine to illuminate not only one of Americas most celebrated leaders, but also one of Americas most celebrated moments. Step 3 Readers feature engaging characters in easy-to-follow plots about popular topics. For children who are ready to read on their own.