Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書 | 幽默 | 幸佳慧
Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk
M 510L
適讀年齡 | 6 - 9 |
適合年級 | 1 - 4 |
字數 | 8,376 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.3 |
F&p/guided reading level | M |
Lexile | 510L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Candlewick Press |
出版日期 | February 2013 |
Stink and his friends try to earn money to buy the latest book in the Nightmare on Zombie Street series and go to the book release party.

Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
After a close encounter with a mutant amphibian makes him freaky for frogs, water-shy Stink becomes a swimming success after being in the Polliwog swim class frog-ever.

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
The shortest kid in the second-grade, James Moody, also known as Stink, learns all about the shortest president of the United States, James Madison, when they celebrate Presidents' Day at school.

Stink: Solar System Superhero
When Stink discovers that Pluto has been downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet, he launches a campaign in his classroom to restore its status to that of a full-fledged member of the solar system.

Stink and the Shark Sleepover
When Stink's parents win tickets for the whole family to sleep over at the aquarium (along with Stink's two best friends), it sounds like a science freak's dream come true. Stink loves the sea-creature scavenger hunt (Bat ray! Brain coral!), the jellyfish light show, and the shiver of sand tiger sharks with razor-sharp teeth. And of course Stink is nuts about gross stuff, but after some spooky stories around the virtual campfire, can he manage to fall asleep thinking about the eating habits of the vampire squid? Especially Bloody Mary, the mutant, glowing Frankensquid that's supposed to be on the prowl?

Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express
Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs. Birdwistle visit tourist attractions in Virginia as they try to give away 101 guinea pigs rescued from a laboratory, although Stink is very reluctant to give away his favorite, Astro.

Stink and the Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown
After second-grader Stink gets an unsatisfactory grade in physical education, his parents tell him he must play a sport and so he masters thumb wrestling, as seen on a sports channel.

Stink And The Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
Spurred by a newfound awareness of false advertising, Stink Moody becomes the proverbial kid in a candy store as his letter-writing campaign yields him heaps of free rewards. When Stink buys a mammoth jawbreaker that doesn't break his jaw, he writes a letter of complaint to the manufacturer, and receives a ten-pound box of 21,280 jawbreakers for his trouble! This unexpected benefit of acing the art of letter-writing in school sure gets Stink thinking about getting more free stuff that is until he overlooks an important letter from his bestfriend.

Stink And The World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.

Nate The Great And The Monster Mess
Nate很喜歡媽媽做的怪物餅乾,但現在媽媽的怪物餅乾食譜不見了! Nate決定出門找媽媽詢問以找出線索,還沒找到媽媽,倒是先從鄰居朋友得到了許多媽媽的行蹤。遇到Annnie,知道了媽媽打算做檸檬口味的Fang形狀餅乾。從Oliver那得知3天前媽媽有到過魚店。到了魚店,遇到了Rosamond,Rosamond反面再次使用包過魚皺皺的紙張給了Nate靈感… ------ Nate has never solved a case for his mother before. Can he do it?

Your Heart
Early Elementary Reader that teaches Science and enhances Literacy Skills at the same time!

The Panda Puzzle
As soon as a new panda and her baby arrive in Green Lawn, the baby is stolen. Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose collar the culprits?

The Castle Crime
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose go to London, where they solve the mystery surrounding Queen Elizabeth's jewels which were stolen from Windsor Castle after discovering evidence that even Scotland Yard missed.

The Mount Rushmore Calamity
The whole Lambchop family is off to see Mount Rushmore. But when Flat Stanley and his brother, Arthur, team up with a scrappy cowgirl named Calamity Jasper, their vacation turns into the Wild West experience of a lifetime.

Little Miss Splendid
Little Miss Splendid loves nothing more than Little Miss Splendid. She thinks she's too good to talk to "common" people, and definitely too good to ride a bus with them! But one day a rain cloud puts a wrench in her splendid life...

The Intrepid Canadian Expedition
Stanley's been to the American Wild West, Egypt, and Japan--and now he's off to Canada! From snowboarding to igloos to the most exciting hockey game ever, Stanley's adventures will flat-out thrill readers.

An Octopus Is Amazing
"[Here is] a charming introduction to the truly amazing octopus [from its intelligence to its ability to change colors to the camouflaging black ink it squirts to escape predators]. Lauber's chatty, fact-filled text makes the book a good read-aloud, and Keller's amusing and colorful drawings enhance ita perfect match of text and illustration." SLJ. Children's Books of 1990 (Library of Congress)

The High Score and Lowdown on Video Games! (History of Fun Stuff)
Aim for the high score and become an expert on the history of video games with this fact-tastic nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a series about the history of fun stuff!This Level 3 reader is part of an exciting nonfiction series about the history of fun stuff! In this book readers will learn all about how video games came to be, from Pong to Pac-Man and everything in between! A special section at the back of the book includes Common Corevetted extras on subjects like social studies and math, and theres even a fun quiz so readers can test themselves to see what theyve learned! Learning history has never been so much fun!

Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds
What wrongdoer is any match for Cam Jansen, the girl with the amazing photographic memory? Jennifer "Cam" (short for camera) Jansen and her friend Eric use her remarkable gift to track down clues and solve thrilling and puzzling mysteries.

The Magic School Bus: The Wild Leaf Ride
Ms. Frizzle's fantastic science fun is now available for younger fans of the television show. The new Magic School Bus Scholastic Reader make learning an adventure!Ms. Frizzle's class is learning about leaves. The students are playing a game called Leaf Hunt, but they can't find one of the leaves. Ms. Frizzle says it's time for a field trip, and the kids get on the Magic School Bus. They are going to track down the missing leaf. As always, Ms. Frizzle's class finds all kinds of excitement on their search for science facts. Hop on the Magic School Bus!