Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
分級讀本/橋梁書 | 初級章節書 | 幽默 | 幸佳慧
Stink and the Freaky Frog Freakout
適讀年齡 | 5 - 8 |
適合年級 | 1 - 4 |
字數 | 10,180 字 |
Grade level equivalent | |
AR level | 3.1 |
F&p/guided reading level | |
Lexile | 500L |
DRA level | |
出版社 | Candlewick Press |
出版日期 | March 2014 |
After a close encounter with a mutant amphibian makes him freaky for frogs, water-shy Stink becomes a swimming success after being in the Polliwog swim class frog-ever.

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
The shortest kid in the second-grade, James Moody, also known as Stink, learns all about the shortest president of the United States, James Madison, when they celebrate Presidents' Day at school.

Stink: Solar System Superhero
When Stink discovers that Pluto has been downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet, he launches a campaign in his classroom to restore its status to that of a full-fledged member of the solar system.

Stink and the Shark Sleepover
When Stink's parents win tickets for the whole family to sleep over at the aquarium (along with Stink's two best friends), it sounds like a science freak's dream come true. Stink loves the sea-creature scavenger hunt (Bat ray! Brain coral!), the jellyfish light show, and the shiver of sand tiger sharks with razor-sharp teeth. And of course Stink is nuts about gross stuff, but after some spooky stories around the virtual campfire, can he manage to fall asleep thinking about the eating habits of the vampire squid? Especially Bloody Mary, the mutant, glowing Frankensquid that's supposed to be on the prowl?

Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express
Stink Moody, friends Webster and Sophie, and Mrs. Birdwistle visit tourist attractions in Virginia as they try to give away 101 guinea pigs rescued from a laboratory, although Stink is very reluctant to give away his favorite, Astro.

Stink and the Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown
After second-grader Stink gets an unsatisfactory grade in physical education, his parents tell him he must play a sport and so he masters thumb wrestling, as seen on a sports channel.

Stink And The Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
Spurred by a newfound awareness of false advertising, Stink Moody becomes the proverbial kid in a candy store as his letter-writing campaign yields him heaps of free rewards. When Stink buys a mammoth jawbreaker that doesn't break his jaw, he writes a letter of complaint to the manufacturer, and receives a ten-pound box of 21,280 jawbreakers for his trouble! This unexpected benefit of acing the art of letter-writing in school sure gets Stink thinking about getting more free stuff that is until he overlooks an important letter from his bestfriend.

Stink and the Midnight Zombie Walk
Stink and his friends try to earn money to buy the latest book in the Nightmare on Zombie Street series and go to the book release party.

Stink And The World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
A class visit to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum inspires Stink Moody to create a variety of terrible smells to put on the sneakers he plans to enter in the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneaker contest.

Nate The Great And The Missing Key
Annie要替愛犬辦party,Rosamond卻把Annie的家門鑰匙藏起來了,並留了謎題,將線索以詩的形式寫出來。 雖然Nate在解謎過程中不是很順利,但因而在肚子餓回家吃鬆餅時從一抽屜的閃亮銀色餐具獲得了破案的靈感,那Rosamond到底將鑰匙藏在哪裡呢? 爸爸媽媽可以告訴孩子你很好奇鑰匙到底藏在哪裡,鼓勵開始練習獨立閱讀的孩子趕快幫你看完故事告訴你答案,真的是Rosamond說的『又圓又大又安全又閃亮的地方』嗎? ------ Unless Annie's house key can be found, Annie will have to cancel a birthday party for her dog, Fang, and master sleuth Nate is determined to solve the perplexing mystery.

Pinkalicious: Puptastic
When Pinkalicious finds herself dog sitting a friend's poodle for the week, she can't help but be excited. Pinkalicious has never had a dog before, and there's so much fun to be had with a new pup in the house! That is, Pinkalicious THINKS having a pup will be fun...until the new dog actually arrives. Pinky is shy, and doesn't want to come out and play. No matter what tricks Pinkalicious tries, Pinky won't budge. In order to try to cheer Pinky up, Pinkalicious decides to give the pooch a special bubble bath. But when Mommy's special jar of pink gets knocked into the tub, Pinkalicious may find herself with one pink pooch.

Basketball's Greatest Players
From Larry Bird and Michael Jordan to the hottest new legends such as LeBron James, this Step 5 Step into Reading early reader offers tons of facts about the best players in the game, what they were best known for, and how they got their start! Step 5 Readers tell stories in chapters using longer paragraphs, for children who want to take the plunge into chapter books but still like colorful illustrations and photography.

Creepy-Crawly Birthday
A creepy-crawly surprise! Harold the dog, Chester the cat, and Howie the dachshund puppy are excited for Toby's birthday. Because birthdays mean parties, and parties mean presents. And best of all -- cake. But when the pets find seven suitcases in the room with all of the gifts, they start to worry. What could be inside? Why are there holes in them? And are they...moving? This is one birthday present that Bunnicula fans will be eager to open!

This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us
Zack used to be in control of hisown body. But that was before someone elsesomeone who's been dead almost one hundred yearstook over. She's bossy, she's British, she's a queenand she and Zack are not amused!

The Planets
Unusual book

Stanley in Space
When the residents of a far-distant planet send a message to Earth asking for someone to meet with them, the President of the United States asks Stanley Lambchop, an all-American boy, to be his ambassador.

Mac and Cheese
Mac likes to pounce and bounce and jump, but Cheese just sits there like a lump. Two cats that are as different as night and day are nevertheless best friends!

Discusses the physical characteristics, behavior, habitat, life cycle, types, locomotion, defenses, senses, and eating habits of snakes.

Special Gifts
Nine-year-old cousins Rosie, Lily, and Tess spend their winter vacation learning to sew with their neighbor Mrs. White and preparing for a special winter solstice dinner with Aunt Lucy and her boyfriend Michael.

Almost Zero
Dyamonde is angry at her mother for not buying her the shoes she wants, but when she finds out that a classmate is in a worse situation, she is determined to help. By the creators ofMake Way for Dyamonde Daniel.

Pinky and Rex and the Bully
Pinky's favorite color is pink, and his best friend, Rex, is a girl. Kevin, the third-grade bully, says that makes Pinky a sissy. Deep down, Pinky thinks Kevin is wrong, but he's still worried. Does Pinky have to give up his favorite things, and worse, does he have to give up his best friend?